How To Design Winning Ads With Your Own CR Copy

"Camera ready" or "CR" copy means exactly that materials all ready for the camera and to be printed "as is". NO CHANGES! When you submit materials to a printer for reproduction, he does not have permission to make any changes. Therefore, if your "original;" has any errors, smudges, fingermarks, etc.,, these too will be reproduced on every copy printed.

Since your ad, circular, copy or whatever will be reproduced exactly as the original, you must be extra careful that every detail is as perfect as possible. Even creases or folds may appear on the finished product. And if hundreds of copies are printed at one time p or even thousands- flaws, or throw the entire print job in the trash!

Light blue margins will NOT photograph. Keep this in mind when preparing copy for your printer's camera. Almost all other colors will photograph as black. Therefore, it is best to work with black on white paper only.. This will give you a good idea of what the finished job will look like.. If you use colored bits and pieces in your pasteup, the overall appearance may not be the same as what you had in mind for the final job.

All materials to be photographed must be a sharp and clear as possible.. If you "lift" someone else's smudged illustration or headline, remember that your final print job will also have a smudged illustration or headline... Also, be very, VERY careful about clipping and using materials from someone else's ads or circulars. This could get you involved in a lawsuit for "copyright infringement", which is a federal offense.

If you want to add your own drawings, lettering, etc.,it must be done in black (or dark red, which will photograph as black). Never use blue carbon ribbon for best results. Your stationery store should have these in stock. Also, be sure to clean the typewriter keys before typing your copy (message). Or have the type set by a commercial typographer. Never make erasers when typing copy.. If you make a mistake, start over.

If you desire to use a photograph in your ad, it must be "screened" first. This is when the photo is broken down into tiny dots. If this is not done, darker shades of grey will become black and lighter shades may disappear entirely. Your printer will be happy to give you free advice.

Attach all materials you wish to include in your add with rubber cement. This type of adhesive dries slowly and allows time to slightly reposition any elements if necessary. Never use transparent tape. It may photograph. if you are preparing an ad for a publication, be sure the size is exactly that required by the newspaper or magazine. When pasting up a circular, allow 1/4" to 3/8" white margin on all four sides.

Before presenting your original to the printer, be certain that all excess rubber cement is removed.. This can be done by rubbing it off with your finger. Any excess may photograph as black smudges. Other unwanted marks can be covered with "Liquid Perfect", from your stationery store. Never fold the finished camera ready art. Folds and creases may photograph as black lines. When mailing large originals, use stiff cardboard as a backing to prevent unnecessary damage. Mark on the outside of the envelope "PHOTOGRAPH. Please do not bend or fold" and send via FIRST CLASS MAIL - always!

Add HARD-SELL "CLOUT" to your ads and circulars. Send for 50 Ad-Art Samples that you may use as you wish. They're FREE!...for a long self-addressed envelope and two 1st class stamps. Order from Fun Mates Press Adv. Dept FMS/12, Box 6466, San Francisco, CA 94101

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