You Get Back What You Send Out

by Steve Melton

Alex had been at work most of the morning. A young Scottish lad barely old enough to handle a team of horses much less pull that old tree stump out of the pasture. Although Alex was young, he knew the soggy ground from the recent rains would allow him to pull the old stump from the field.

Alex was finally making headway with the old tree carcass. When he noticed a very fine carriage having trouble making its way along the muddy and rutted road. The elder Englishman being obviously upper class was very well dressed and not too happy when the carriage sank up to it's axle. He knew this incident would make him late for his speaking engagement at the next village.

Seeing the statesman's plight, young Alex released his team from the tree.

"Hey Sir, I can help. We can get you on your way in no time at all." Alex was right with the help of his team of horses, the carriage was pulled from the grip of the muddy mire.

Elated the Englishman asks Alex. "How much do I owe you young man?"

"Nothing Sir," said Alex. "It was my pleasure to help."

Alex was in absolute awe of the elder Member of Parliament.

"Well then. What do you want to be when you grow up?"

"Sir, I want to be a Doctor," replied Alex without hesitation.

"Then my young man, I will help." True to his word, the Englishman arranged for Alex's education.

Some fifty years later, a Doctor was making his rounds in a hospital on a totally different continent.

Another Statesman lay incredibly ill, dying of pneumonia. Doctor Alexander Fleming knew that his newly discovered medicine would help cure him. He ordered the patient be given his new discovery of penicillin.

The patient, Winston Churchill made a remarkable recovery. The actions of his father, Randolph Churchill, some fifty years earlier by helping a young Scottish boy named Alexander Fleming pursue his dreams saved his own son's life.

Moral of the story, you get back what you send out. You should definitely know what you what in life, refuse to settle for less and you could have it all.

Remember the story of young Alex. It is possible to get everything we "bargain" for in Life.

Steve Melton is a Captain for a major US Airline. After graduating from West Texas State University he pursued his first true love of flying in the US Navy. His commercial flying career began February 1980. In February 2003 a medical diagnosis forced him from the cockpit and he has pursued the internet with a passion. Check out his website Watch for future articles by Steve in the very near future.

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