Internet Marketing Guru

The Simple 5 Step Formula That Prys Open TheGates To Success On The Net

by Marc Goldman

Five years ago anyone could start an internet business and call themselves a guru. It was easy and lots of people did it. Some of them are still around today - proving that they have staying power, while others faded off into the sunset.

Why are so many people obsessed with the title of marketing guru? Many online business owners and would be business owners are absolutely convinced that they have to be called marketing expert or guru even if they don't make a penny online or the only money they make is made from reselling others courses and products.

Hey listen, wanting to be a marketing guru is one thing, calling yourself one is a whole 'nother story. I have been marketing online and offline for going on 8 years now and it is a fun process. But no matter how much money I make or what products and services I successfully sell, I know that I am forever a student of the great ones in marketing. People like Jay Abraham, Ted Nicholas, Gary Halbert, Joe Karbo, OG Mandino, Napoleon Hill these are names that get my blood boiling. I love learning the intricate sales secrets of Zig Ziglar and Brian Tracy and the insanely simple yet elegant copywriting techniques of people like Dan Kennedy always turns my head.

Online, I like to look at some of our peers and admire their work as well, people like Joe Vitale, Yanik Silver, Mark Joyner. They inspire me to greatness and while I compete with many of these people (and sometimes even partner with them) it is all done on a friendly level that keeps us competitive but at the same time gives us enlightenment into their techniques - techniques that I can use to grow my own business even stronger.

So why don't more new and even seasoned marketers do the same? No matter how many times they have heard the expression don't reinvent the wheel they still believe in doing things the hard way. Hey, that's understandable - the school of hard knocks can be a great teacher but, personally, I prefer to learn what works and what doesn't work from those who have come before me and model after those who are already successful.

If that sounds easy and you wonder why I am telling you something that seems like common sense, congratulate yourself - you get it. Welcome to the 1-2% of people doing business online who know how to be successful. The other 98%, unfortunately, still just don't get it.

A perfect example of this phenomenon comes from people who refuse to trust the successful marketing techniques that came before them. This can be seen in some internet marketing sales letters I have read recently. Apparently the people writing these letters have ignored all the "rules" about creating killer headlines, they refuse to put in time sensitive deadlines, they not only forget the risk reversal (guarantee policy) they altogether make it impossible for people to order - instead they put in comments about how honest they are and how they are not trying to sell you.

Look, lets be perfectly honest here - the reason sales letters are called sales letters is because they are being used to sell you something!

These wannabe marketers are forgetting the rules laid down by Claude Hopkins, by Dan Kennedy, Joe Vitale, Robert Cialdini and others - they are not selling and some are not even putting a call to action in their letters.

This is a shame and I suspect that many marketers are not making a penny or very little money because of their insistence on "being different". Look, I am all for ingenuity and individuality and the last thing the web needs is another copycat internet marketing guru but what these marketers who may have superior products and services to sell are missing is: they refuse to model after someone who is already successful.

Five Step Formula

For those of you who want to learn how to join the ranks of the successful, here is my simple five step formula:

1. Study the great ones: Marketers, both online and offline, have a lot to teach. All you need to do is begin studying what works for them and adapt it to your own site. Please note: I AM NOT ADVOCATING STEALING. On the contrary, study great sales letters, see what they have in common and then apply those techniques to your own site.

2. Always be open to criticism and review: If someone has something constructive to say about your site, products, sales copy always listen to it. If the person offering you criticism has never sold a thing online, smile politely, file the information away and move on. If that person is a successful marketer - write down every word they say and immediately implement it.

3. Don't listen to the online marketing hype: this technique works, no this technique works. The truth is many techniques work for different people, what you need to do is find out what techniques worked for the successful marketers and try many of them until you find a few that work for you and then stick with those.

4. Always, always model after those who came before you. They have a lot to offer and the really great ones have a lot to teach. Look for a mentor, if you cannot find one or they are too expensive (many are) try to learn everything you can from their courses, websites, audio/video interviews, products, etc.

5. Be yourself. Take what works for the experts and make it work for you - for your own products and services.

Many marketers have heard this before and still refuse to heed the advice.

I feel bad for these marketers as I click off their sites and don't find myself presented with a popup window soliciting me for my email address so they can build a relationship with me and follow up later.

About the Author

Article by Marc Goldman. Marc's latest project, The Secrets of Internet Cashflow Wizards contains tons of the biggest money-making secrets of the top 5 internet marketing wizards. This awesome course will teach you exactly what the experts do to suck in wads of cash without lifting a finger.

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