A Social Network Solution for College Admissions?

Improving College Admissions

by Jason Luke

What college will be a good match for me? This is a question that haunts most students going through the college admissions process. Looking for a college must be thought out well and a college search can take a lot of precious time. What needs to be considered in order to decide on a good match? There are many factors that should be accounted for when deciding on a good fit for each student. For example, fun extra-curricular activities may be very important for a student. Each student ought to evaluate where and how far they want to go in life in order to be sure to choose a college that will allow them to fulfill all of their most wildest dreams.

Students who plan on furthering their education by going on to law school or some other graduate program need to know if the college of their choice has a decent undergraduate program that will lead them in that path. After all, it does no good to be accepted into a college that has a bad reputation for its undergraduate programs. For example, if the student wanted to attend medical school and the undergraduate chemistry program at their college is known for being extremely easy, then the chances of that student being accepted will be slim to none.

College admissions officers in the past have only looked at grades and test scores to determine which students they wanted at their school. But students should be more than just a number. There are many factors for students to consider when picking a school; similarly, there are many factors schools should consider when picking students. College admission officers should be able to recruit a student based on more than just academic performance.

Even though I have done very well academically, I don't consider my academic performance to be a complete measure of my current or future success. Colleges realize that academics aren't the only way to find the most motivated students who will have success in the real world. Therefore, they are always looking for better ways to learn about future prospects and the kind of character that will be added to their campus through the students they recruit.

I remember clearly in my mind the day when I was given the opportunity to impress college admissions officers. Along with many others, I spent a few days touring the college of my choice and participating in many different workshops and activities. I was very happy to see that the college of my choice took much more into consideration when accepting students and offering them scholarships than just test scores. I really feel that by having many of the prospective students attend this weekend retreat they were able to make better decisions on who would be accepted to that college. This not only benefited the college but students themselves were able to see what that college was like and make a decision based upon their personal experience.

Will the college admission process continue to be mostly based on test scores, or is the hope for a brighter future when the process will look beyond a few numbers? I firmly believe that in the near future many colleges will be looking for more information about each individual student. Now I'm not just talking about their essays, but much more than that. After all, we are living in the era of information, and more information about students is exactly what colleges need.

The computer has helped to ease the stress of college admissions for both students and colleges. The internet allows for quick and easy application for students. However, students need to be careful to take the time needed to fill out the applications and essays carefully. Some students make the process easier than it is and hurry through it. Likewise, other students make the process much more difficult than it really is. Technology can be very beneficial, but if the student isn't careful it can also be detrimental as well. There are also new and exciting ways for college admission officers to recruit students. College recruiting is going to be taken to the next level soon with new programs that allow students to showcase themselves to any college of their choice. For example, the Yale Admissions Officers or Harvard Admissions Officials can now recruit using online services in order to find potential students.

About the Author

A new revolution in college admissions has begun. Go to Zinch.com to learn more about how colleges are recruiting students. Also find information on Yale admissions or any college of your choice. Its the best college search around with a profile on every college in America. J. Luke writes for ioVentures.

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