How To Create A News Angle

by Michael Levine

Facts tell, stories sell. People can see themselves in stories.

How do you tell a story that ensure's your message get's heard?

Keep current events in mind.

Think of a triangle. On the left, imagine the story you want to tell. On the right, you have zeitgeist , or curent events. The object of the game is to create a unified, triangulated center...literally an "angle" for your story.

For example, if you have improved your business practices, you might utilize the popularity of television transformations, and promote your story as an "extreme makeover" for busy professionals.

By tying your story to something topical, you vastly improve its chances of being heard.

A good story with a mediocre salesperson is better than a bad story told by the most articulate salesperson. Lack of slickness is actually an asset.

If you had the greatest press kit in the world-but a lackluster story-I couldn't get you on the Today Show . But if you were pregnant with Osama Bin Laden's baby, I could get you on with a smudged fax.

In America Today, for better or worse, the way we become credible is by being visible. These are wacky times. Where there's no visibility, there is no credibility. That's just the way it works.

About the Author

GuerrillaPR Insights is a, weekly newsletter that does 2 things: First, it provides readers with a weekly, actionable "insights" on how you can work more effectively with the media.

Secondly, it provides NAPES: Names, Addresses, and Phone numbers of key media producers and editors. For example, in a recent issue, we gave specific contact information on how to contact the producers of the Oprah Winfrey Show. To check out the archives, go to: .html

Founder of Levine Communications Office, and author of Guerrilla PR - Michel Levine has garnered a reputation as a leader in the field of Public Relations. Clients have and continue to include some of the most renowned people and corporations, names such as Barbra Streisand, Charlton Heston, Robert Evans, Michael Jackson, David Bowie, Nike, Sharp and Pizza Hut.

Levine Communications Office has developed hundreds of respected and prized PR campaigns and secured national and international results in virtually all major media outlets, including CNN, The Today Show, MSNBC, Entertainment Tonight, BBC, The New York Times, The London Daily Telegraph, The LA Times, Newsweek, Time, Rolling Stone, MTV and Vanity Fair. From its flagship office in Los Angeles, and affiliates in New York and London, Levine Communications Office works with clients on both national and global campaigns. The firm provides clear cut solutions for all and any PR situation - from publicity and media relations through to corporate communication and crisis management - and clients benefit from Levine Communications Office's wealth of experience, personal style and "can do" passionate approach.

With a proven track-record of success, and a commitment to excellence, Levine Communications Office clients can be confident that they are in safe hands. Now we challenge you to come on board for your very own Levine Communications Office experience.

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