It is Critical to Use Head Lice Treatments Correctly!

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by Abigail Franks

Our child's school and daycare centers should be considered the main battle field when it comes to fighting head lice. Those, annoying and yucky little white bugs are likely to strike again and find their way to your child's head very soon. This is because head lice continues to be a big growing problem in most schools today.

There are a lot of claims regarding way to battle and get rid of a lice infestation. However, many of these so called lice treatments can't be relied upon to work in your particular situation. The problem is that even a single louse can re-infect your child within weeks. The most common cause of reinfestation is from failure to follow all the directions.

Most of the products available,whether they are chemical or natural, require repeat treatments after 7-10 days. Many people will treat once, not see anymore lice, and don't follow up with the rest of the treatments. The child goes back to school and everyone gets back into their daily routines. Because the follow up treatments to kill any lingering lice is not done, reinfestation occurs.

These individuals will then make claims that the treatment used doesn't work. It wasn't the product or treatment program that didn't work properly it was not used in the proper way to insure killing all of the bugs. People will go as far as to say the reason for the filure was because the lice had a resistance to the pesticides in the product and so they did not die.

Another common mistate that parents make is to not use enough of the product. This occurs with many of the insecticide lice products because parents try to stretch the product too far on multiple children. This is done in an attempt to save money but it is vital that enough product is used to ensure the death of all the head lice.

Natural remedies for fighting head lice also have directions that need to be followed exactly as stated. Many of these natural treatments tell the parent to apply generously a readily available household oil product like mayo to the lice infested head. The mayo is then left on the hair through the night. The amount of time the product is left on the head is vital in getting rid of the lice.

You can check out the site below for additional information on another method of killing head lice using pesticide free essential oil products. These are safer and milder than the pesticide based shampoos.

The whole idea of using mayonnaise or other various oils is essentially used to suffocate the head lice. These natural remedies do not always work because lice can survive submerged in water longer than nine hours. This means that if you have any chance of smothering the lice, that mayonnaise or oil needs to be left in the hair a long time.

What I am trying to say is that no matter what treatment you choose be it chemical or natural, you need to follow the directions carefully. Many people have had success with all the products and home treatment options but none of them are a guarantee if you don't make the necessary steps to finish the job right.

About the Author

Abigail Franks has done extensive research on lice and head louse and found valuable information that could help you. Find the information you need about head lice and both natural and chemical head louse treatments

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