Can You Become a Genius?
How to build genius mind power
If your IQ is ataverage, hold on to your socks: Genius levels of mental processing are within your reach.
John von Neumann, the inventor of th least e computer, estimated that our brains hold two hundred and eighty quintillion bits of memory that's 280, followed by 18 zeros. But most of today's neuroscientists feel even this estimate is far too low.
A few short years ago scientists believed geniuses were born with brains that were somehow different from the rest of us. But - recent scientific research suggests that genius mind power is more the result of mental training not just genetic superiority.
Even today's Einstein's are now seen by neuroscientists as ordinary people who have simply consciously developed extraordinary genius mind power and focus.
How Genius is Developed
We don't often think of the mind as a tool whose powers can be developed on such a dramatic level. But the good news is there are definite, proven-effective ways to develop your brain's capacity to express genius mind power.
Modern neuroscientists and brainwave training experts claim that genius-level mental functioning is primarily all about connections.
Which connections? The ever-changing maze of connections among your neurons brain cells. The scientific evidence is this: The more you stimulate and challenge your brain, the more connections it is forced to create to enable your neurons can communicate with one another.
And the more interconnections you have between your brain's neurons, the closer you move toward genius-level creativity and thinking! It really is primarily that simple.
Einstein's Secret
As a child, Albert Einstein was seriously dyslexic and had great difficulty with both speech and reading. He was actually expelled from high school and flunked his first college entrance exam, although he finally did manage to complete his bachelor's degree.
He then took a lowly job in the Swiss patent office. But then when he was only 26, he published his Special Theory of Relativity And sixteen years later he won a Nobel Prize.
Dr. Thomas Harvey, a pathologist on duty at Princeton Hospital when Einstein died in 1955, removed Einstein's brain. Harvey studied it under a microscope over a 40-year period, but never found any differences from "normal" brains.
But in the early 1980s Dr Marian Diamond, a neuro-anatomist at the University of California at Berkeley, made some interesting discoveries. Her findings about brains in general revolutionized our ideas about what genius really is!
Diamond placed a group of rats in a very stimulating environment with ladders, swings, treadmills, and rat toys. She then confined a control group of rats to bare cages.
The rats in the stimulating environment lived to advanced ages the equivalent of 90 for mankind. But even more remarkable, Diamond found their brains had grown an amazing number of new connections between their neurons.
She had discovered the first hard evidence that higher intelligence could be created through mentally-stimulating exercise. And then when she examined sections of Einstein's brain, she made the remarkable discovery that it WAS different from the average brain in one way. Like her super-stimulated rats, Einstein's brain also had an unusually high number of experience-based neural interconnections.
Our brains can continue to grow in complexity right up to a very advanced age. Each challenge you present to your brain causes immediate physical changes no matter what your age.
A Plan of Action
Your brain's inter-neural connections can potentially increase in number and complexity throughout your life. The more you learn, the more of these pathways you create. And the more you stimulate your brain, the sharper your memory and mental responses. The payoff is immeasurable, and can lead straight to genius mind power.
The most basic way to build genius mind power is to intellectually challenge and exercise your brain. You can create healthy new neural networks by learning a new skill or a second language, or learning to play a musical instrument.
About the Author
Jill Ammon-Wexler is a Doctor of Psychology, best-selling author, and personal self mastery and mind power mentor to achievement-oriented individuals from around the world. BUILD YOUR MIND HERE ==>> and our program==>>http://hotbrainzcom
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