Abdominal Workout Tips
Getting Great Abs Tips
The abdominal muscles are present in between the ribs and the pelvis region of the body. The abs muscles cover the internal organs, allow movement of the body and provide strength to the trunk. These muscles are involuntary which act constantly to control body actions. In this perspective, we realize the importance of these muscles.
Abs- The latest craze
Of late developing great abs has become a matter of prestige and show. Great abs defines great body, which defines a great personality. That personality reflects in the way you carry yourself. You get adorable looks from people, while others envy you. You become an instant success! Developing great body is no more restricted to athletes or the haute couture models. It has become everybody’s dream, more so a necessity.
However, as people workout for the abs, they often tend to forget the importance of developing abs strength. People are satisfied as six-pack abs become visible. Nevertheless, this does not ensure the strength of the muscles. The abs muscles remain weak. Therefore, if you are a sportsman or an athlete where heavy body workout is necessary, weak and fragile abs can be very dangerous. Weak abs can lead to back pain; muscle sprain or even worse can lead to hernia.
What is advanced workout?
Advanced workout refers to working on the core muscles once you are through with the basic training. The basic exercises include first the warm up exercises, followed by basic crunches, leg raises, hip-lifts etc.
Basic exercises lead to reducing of the fats and the abs muscles start to show. Now, if you want to develop strengths then you need to go on to advanced levels.
The difference is simple. Basic training gives you the shape but not the strength. Result can be development of abdominal hernia.
Advanced methods are targeted at the core abs; separate them out, and work only on them. Muscles are flexed during the sessions. Over time, they develop the strength.
Therefore, the next big question is that what are the various advanced workout methods?
Professional experts have identified some exercises, which isolates the abs, works on them, helps to flex the muscles and thus develop the strength.
These exercises are: Inclined body curls - There are certain abs machines called as the crunch benches. These are inclined platforms comfortably cushioned and padded such that if you lie on it, you will feel relaxed. There is a stand below where you can support your feet. Now you practice curls and sit-ups in that inclined position. Each time you exercise, flex the muscles and try to feel the pressure on the abs.
Using weights
These exercises are very similar to the leg raises with arm extension. Here, try to balance some weight on the back before performing the exercises. Lie on the floor with your knees and hands touching the ground. Now balance a dumbbell on your back. After that extend one arm and simultaneously extend one leg and raise it upwards such that the abs muscles are extended. Remain in that position for sometime and then gradually come back to the original position. Repeat the exercise 10 times and then change legs.
Crunch machines
Crunch machines are chairs with a rod, which balances several weights. Sit on the chair and pull the rod using the strength of the abs. Extend the abs muscles. The weights are lifted. The weights can be adjusted according to your needs.
Apart from these the basic abs workout methods like the crunches and the abs rollers can be continued. These exercises are very good for abs strengthening.
About the Author
Sharon Mirin is a beauty and fitness consultant, this is one of her Get Great Abs tips articles, learn more about Abdominal Workout at http://abdominalexercisezone.com
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