The Technology Of Tomorrow Is In Someone's Garage Today

by Jack Terry

There are many things in the world that, if you think of one, you automatically think of what goes best with it. Bacon and eggs, mac and cheese, Abbott and Costello. You would no sooner think of a television set without immediately asking yourself, "Where's the remote?" Yet many people still remember the day when changing channels meant putting down the popcorn, getting up from the sofa and turning a knob or two. The technology may have existed at the time, but nobody thought to put it together at the time.

Today, this process continues to happen, but on a scale that is unprecedented because the amount of technology we have in our lives exceeds even that of the wildest dreaming science fiction authors. It is a wildly held belief that computer power and efficiency doubles every 18 months. Right along with that it seems the practical uses of computers increase just as rapidly. What was cutting edge five years ago became the norm three years ago, passé a year later and outdated today. Companies do not continually upgrade their smart phones and computers because they want to. They do it because they need to.

Part of what is driving those upgrades and changes are start-up companies looking to see how to take what is already there and improve upon it. Think back to the days of the television. It was such a gigantic leap forward in the realm of technology, especially on a commercial basis, that it would be easy to see that and say, "How can that be improved upon?" But somebody did, and within ten years of televisions first being available for home use, the first wireless remote control was available as well. Today is no different. People see something they have in their lives and think of ways to make it better, or see something that is missing in their lives and think of how to fill it. The difference is today these people do not have to work for large corporations in order to have access to research and development, computing power and design programs. Today's laboratories are not only found on college campuses and corporate centers. They are in garages and basements, where innovators and inventors have the technology they need to create something new.

Throughout modern history, for every success story we know about, there are probably hundreds that never got off the ground. Not because they were not worthy of the attention and success - some were probably even better than what became available - but because there was no way for these basement inventors to get their product in the rights hands. That is no longer a problem. Start-up companies are the engine that powers 21st century technology and they are responsible for the latest version of pancakes and syrup.

About the Author

Jack Terry is a free lance business writer who specializes in emerging companies and their presence in the modern business world.

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