7 Simple Tactics for Marketing Your Business

by Nancy D Waring

The most expensive way is not always the best way to market. Don't get me wrong - you'll have to spend money at some point if you're going to market effectively. However, you can supplement that marketing with other low cost marketing communications that are simple but effective. Here are seven low-cost and low-key ways to market and to keep you visible with your target market.

1. Voice mail: Since you must have voice mail, you might as well use it to communicate your services or current promotion as well as the standard message. For example: "Thanks for calling The Hug Company where we provide hugs on a daily basis for anyone who needs them. If you're ready for your hug, press 1 and tell us where to send your hug. Get 2 hugs for the price of 1 when you order by the end of this month. Or just leave your name, number and a message, and we'll get back to you in less than the time it takes to give a hug." Script your message and aim for no longer than 45 seconds.

2. Business cards: Another tool that most of us have - they're a little like security blankets - they let us know we really are in business. So, a lesson I learned late is to make use of the back of your card as well as the front. Promote your free consultation, special report, or audio message on the back of your card. Make it a simple message, but ask the reader to do something.

3. Social networks: I joined Facebook recently and I'm amazed at the many creative ways people use it as a tool to promote their business. You can do the same in other social networking sites such as Ning or Linkedin. Whichever social networking tool you're most comfortable with is a good place to start.

4. Current customers: Another good marketing resource is your current customer base. Tell your current customers who your ideal client is, and ask for a referral. If you educate your customer about who you work with, they are more likely to think of people who may fit your needs.

5. Online news releases: There are many no cost and low cost news release distribution services. You can write about a new product or service you are offering or an industry trend others may find useful. Get creative and keep it newsworthy. Using this marketing tool will increase your visibility on the internet.

6. Email: Granted, we're all wading through more email than we know what to do with. You're always going to send emails so you might as well have a signature block that provides clear information about your product and services. Your signature block call to action may be "visit my website" or "call for a free consultation." Keep in mind that you always want your reader to do something.

7. Create a holiday: Happy Horseradish Month! Didn't you know that July is Horseradish month? July is also National Bikini month and Social Wellness month. Anyone can create a month to draw attention to their business. The only caveat is the event has to exist before submitting it as a holiday.

Keeping it simple is easy to do, if you're armed with some of the available low-cost tools that will help you make the most of your marketing plan!

About the Author

Nancy D Waring, Internet Communication Strategist and owner of OnPoint Communication Solutions, assists coaches and other service professionals who are not internet experts more effectively manage their online marketing so they can spend more time on their business. For more information about solutions to expand your business using the web, pick up her special report at http://www.onpointcommunicationsolutions.com

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