Heath Ledger... So Young, So Distinctive, So Memorable
As I was watching CNN this morning, anxiously awaiting news on our sagging economy, I became increasingly annoyed at the amount of time being spent on the sudden, tragic death of actor, Heath Ledger.
Although my heart bled for Heath's parents, sister, daughter, and other close friends and family members, I didn't - at first - understand why the news of his death was consuming so much airtime. "Yes," I thought, "he was clearly a gifted actor whose life ended much too soon and who knows what he might have accomplished if he'd lived into old age. But enough already!"
Then I watched some more and must admit that as the coverage continued I was blown away by the numbers of people - old and young - who were devastated by this young man's death. And while it's always tragic when a young life is cut short, this one seemed to hit a raw nerve with many people. I wondered why.
Then it occurred to me...Heath Ledger was memorable... not only for his immense talent but his steadfast commitment to the lost "art" of acting. He embodied the hopes and dreams all of the thousands of talented and often struggling actors, artists, and musicians who are eking out livings to do what they love.
And even though Heath Ledger had "made it" it was clear that acting was his passion, as well as his craft. He wasn't your garden-variety "I'll-do-anything-to-make-a-buck-and-become-a-superstar" kind of actor. He was a rare gem in the midst of Hollywood's phony glitz - a person who approached his craft with an obsessed integrity. For that, more than anything, I believe he will be remembered.
In my role as business writer, speaker, and independent marketing consultant, I counsel hundreds of small businesspeople, and inevitably I'm asked to cite the single most important character trait for success. My answer is always the same: passion. This is where it all starts and there's no substitute for it because it is the foundation for all the other things that you must do to make it in this rough-and-tumble world. And it can't be faked.
Heath Ledger's love of acting inspired him to study and hone his tremendous skill; work tirelessly under extremely challenging circumstances; and reject lucrative, "blockbuster" roles, if he deemed them "thoughtless." Those qualities made him distinctive - especially for one so young. So, even though our news media will continue to focus on the gruesome details leading up to his death, we should concentrate on the lessons we learn from his living. Heath Ledger was an unforgettable young man whose extraordinary brilliance touched the lives of millions of people. He will be missed.
About the Author
Ms. Scarborough is the co-author of two books, ("The Procrastinator's Guide to Marketing" and ("Mastering Online Marketing"), former mktg. executive, award-winner speaker, and certified Guerrilla Marketing coach. She holds a BA in English from the Univ. of MD and a MS in marketing from Johns Hopkins University. Log onto her website: StrategicMarketingAdvisors.com for free articles, templates, tips, tools and more.
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