Sports Nutrition: How To Eat Like A Winner

by Tyler Branson

How do you know which carbohydrates and fats are best for energy release in triathlons? What are the right foods to build muscle mass? If you have a medical condition, can you still participate in sports?

Only an accredited dietician or nutritionist can ensure that you plan your diet with your specific needs in mind and help you achieve peak performance. Most of these problems would be eradicated if the runners had a clear understanding of nutrition. They may think that they are eating the right foods, but often only a professional nutritionist can tell you if you are eating adequately for your chosen sport. How do you know which carbohydrates and fats are best for energy release in triathlons? What are the right foods to build muscle mass? There can be serious consequences when pushing your body to the limit if you do not understand nutrition or do not fully comprehend what you are eating or why?

Sports nutrition is so much more than carbohydrates and water intake. Most people starting a new sport spend countless time and money on the latest gear and training facilities but do not pay the right attention to their nutritional requirements. I do not exaggerate; proper Nutrition is not only for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. A case in point is the famous Comrades Marathon in South Africa. Each year people suffer and there are usually a few deaths related to this race. It is considered a major achievement jut to cross the finish line in the twelve hour limit. A grueling 90km endurance race for runners,it has thousands of entrants every year, some professional athletes but many are not. Watched by the entire country, stragglers would cross the finish line in droves, urged and spurred on by their "comrades". Many of these runners land up in intensive care units with kidney failure or severe dehydration; some even die. Some even died.

I do not exaggerate, proper Nutrition is not only for those seeking a healthy lifestyle. Inadequate nutrition can lead to kidney failure, heart attacks and even death. Yet many professional athletes finish this race in under five hours and are quite fit and healthy, proving that it is not the race that is grueling, but the punishment we inflict on our bodies. If you are thinking of getting involved in sports seriously, you need to really understand the food you put into your body. Eating the right diet for your type of sport will be the single most important factor in your training program.

About the Author

Ai Jerome, an accredited nutritionist from, advises that you get the right advice from the start. Eating the right diet for your type of sport will be the single most important factor in your training program and will help you achieve the success you seek.

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