Guide Of Choosing The Cholesterol Lowering Drugs

by Cindy Heller

What Cholesterol is and why it is so Important

Cholesterol is a waxy, greasy like substance that our body needs in order to produce a number of hormones and cell membrane. There are two types of cholesterol, the good and bad cholesterol. While the good cholesterol is accountable for the proper functioning of our body, the bad cholesterol will lead you to have heart related diseases like coronary heart attack.

Today's normal diet contributes to problems with high cholesterol. High cholesterol contributes to problems with heart disease and can lead to heart attacks. Your body makes all the cholesterol it needs in your liver, and this cholesterol will help make and maintain cells, insulate nerves and produce hormones, and even helps your body to digest fat. The cholesterol you don't need comes from your food.

Controlling Your Cholesterol

In order to control cholesterol you need to know what the correct levels are you should have at first: a minimum of 40mg/dL or more for the good cholesterol and bad cholesterol should not over 200mg/dL. One thing you should know that cholesterol is not measured depending on your body weight through if your body weight is over the normal levels you may be at risk if you have a high bad cholesterol levels.

You are able to purchase a cholesterol lowering drug over the counter, and then there are some that can only be administered through a prescription by doctor because of their side effects. It is highly suggested that before you even consider taking any type of drug that you should consult your physician first so that they can help you to decide on which cholesterol lowering drug is best for you.

How Cholesterol Medicine Works

Different types of cholesterol medicine are very helpful combined with diet and exercise to lower your cholesterol. Most types of cholesterol medicine are: niacin, statins, bile-acid resins or fibric acid derivatives. Statins is to block the production of cholesterol in your liver; bad cholesterol and triglycerides are then reduced and good cholesterol can be increased a bit.

If you require cholesterol medicine, your doctor may prescribe a statin. Your doctor will then watch for such side effects such as intestinal problems and liver damage. A small handful of people can suffer muscle tenderness.

Niacin, aka nicotinic acid, is a B-vitamin. This cholesterol medicine is a natural ingredient in food and is also added to some manufactured foods. Higher doses can be prescribed. Niacin lowers bad cholesterol and raises good cholesterol. Side effects such as flushing, itching, tingling and headache may happen. Bile-acid resins work within the intestine.

Bile is largely composed of cholesterol. Ideally, your body should make good cholesterol, integrate it into the bile which travels into the intestine and is reabsorbed for distribution throughout your bloodstream. Bile-acid resins bind to bile to prevent its reabsorption. Side effects like constipation, gas and stomach upset may be encountered. Fibrates limit production of triglycerides and can help increase good cholesterol.

All cholesterol medicine has side effects such as digestive problems, allergic reactions and muscle aches. The most dangerous side effect of cholesterol medicine is signalled by muscle aches. You shouldn't take more than one kind of cholesterol medicine at a time or take them with anticoagulants. Grapefruit and grapefruit juice can hinder with the metabolization of cholesterol medicine. Over the long term, effective cholesterol medicine can help you maintain a healthy life.

Taking The Right Cholesterol Medication

If you have determined that you have high cholesterol through a doctor, you may want cholesterol medication to help lower your cholesterol levels back to a normal or healthier level. Your physician, along with suggesting a cholesterol medication, should also advise that you make some lifestyle choices that will change the way you live your life and the food you eat to help mould it to a better and healthier environment for your cholesterol levels. With the right medication and the right lifestyle changes, you should be able to get back to a reasonable level of health in a period of time.

The thing to know about cholesterol medication is that it can be quite costly. It can also feature a host of side effects that may be difficult, so always consult a doctor before you take any sort of medication. Do not continue taking medication if you observed a side effect. Consult with your doctor at once and you should stop your medication for any reason. It is important to also follow all of the information on the medication itself so that you can prevent any problems that may arise from improperly taking your medication.

Other Ways to Lower Your Cholesterol

Most foods that we eat everyday contain cholesterol such as, poultry, meats, eggs, butter and milk. The trick to eat all those items and still keep your cholesterol levels low is to minimize your quantities. Once you require taking a cholesterol lowering drug, you need to watch your diet closer and take necessary measures not to reach in an emergency situation.

About the Author

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit high cholesterol cure to learn more about cholestrol lowering drug and cholesterol lowering diet

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