3 Compelling Reasons To Create Your Ecommerce Solution Today

by Trevor Sadowski

With the magic of technology, businesses can mow market their products and services to potential audience measured in the billions. The actual size of their audience is limited only by access to an internet connection and maybe language barriers, but even this can be overcome with a sophisticated ecommerce solution.

The internet is without a doubt the largest shop front ever built. It represents a golden opportunity for business owners both large and small to expand their sales growth to unimaginable levels by creating an effective ecommerce solution.

Why the internet represents such a good opportunity:

Low Start-up Costs

Consider the capital investment required to start up even a small business such as a high street shop. There are premises to be leased, inventory to be purchased and stored, staff to be engaged and motivated, heating and lighting bills and all this to be bought and paid for before the first customer walks into your store.

There are no premises costs with an ecommerce solution, no staff either if you are clever at automating the processes and more importantly perhaps, no staff motivation issues to worry about.

The costs of an avergae ecommerce solution amount to cents in the Dollar compared to the capital investment for a store. Domain names can be obtained for under $10 and ecommerce hosting can be obtained, depending on scale, for under $200 a year.

Inventory problems can be out sourced too by the use of drop shipping companies, so much so that you need never see one item of the inventory you purchase.

Cheap Promotion Costs

Traditional methods of promotion require you to invest in glossy brochures, flyers, posters and give away items such as stickers, t-shirts, pens etc. You can never be sure which items are being effective in creating leads and again there is a large up investment to be made and also a considerable lead in time until your target market receives your material.

Advertising your ecommerce solution online is both highly trackable and immediate. Many marketers make use of the pay per click system wherein you only pay advertising costs if someone clicks on your advert. It is possible to have adverts online and in front of your market in as little as fifteen minutes using the Google Adwords system.

Opportunity To Provide Amazing Offers To Customers

Perhaps the greatest benefit of the low cost of maintaining an ecommerce solution is that you can afford to provide discounts and special offers at incredible prices just simply unachievable by your offline competitors.

Adding special bonuses in the form of electronic downloadable products are another way of enhancing your offer. Once created, the product costs you nothing to store on your ecommerce solution web site and can be downloaded an unlimited amount of times by customers.

The effectiveness of the ecommerce solution has been realised by many offline businesses. Is it not time you started you own web site?

About the Author

Trevor Sadowski has created many ecommerce web sites and has experienced a lot of the pitfalls involved.

To avoid the same mistakes visit Trevor's web site and get a copy of his free tricks and traps mini course at http://www.ecommerceintro.com

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