Responsive Web Design for the Futuristic Users

by Steven Brown

Today, many users use their Smartphone or tablets to browse the web and are no longer restricted to laptops and personal computers. Unlike the times where screen sizes were limited and there weren't many options besides personal computers or laptops, technology has considerably improved. Each feature different screen resolutions, platforms and technology is drastically different for every model and make. This has made browsing in different devices, difficult if not impossible. Thanks to the innovative concept of Responsive Web Design, it is now easier to browse in a device of the user's choice.

Unlike the time where websites were scaled to pixels, Responsive Web Design uses percentage and EM. This means, the website will automatically align to the user's screens and popularly dubbed user interface design. So, there's no need for users to keep scrolling for viewing a webpage, even when using Smartphones or tablets. When Smartphone were launched, business owners resorted to coming up with mobile websites and PC websites. This means, the websites can be viewed from mobile devices. However, with the wide array of options with reference to screen resolutions, platforms and devices, it was no longer possible to just restrict with two versions, nor was it possible to create infinite versions for different platforms. That is why Responsive Web Design came into play. Now, website design Miami creates a fluid design of a site that is compatible across all platforms and enhances user experience.

RWD, short for Responsive Web Design, is an advanced web design strategy, where a site is designed in way to accommodate Cascading Style Sheets 3 with media queries. It just synchronizes, so the website is automatically resized or optimized, for better viewing across different devices. It made futuristic websites a reality, considering the increasingly growing number of users.

So, we can summarize the three most important technical aspects of Responsive Web Design as follows:

• Fluid grids • Media Queries • Flexible images

In creative web design not just the content, the images used and even the layout, should also align according to the screen resolution. Since it is no longer possible to give specific dimensions, with the advent of different screen size preferences and availability, queries that detect the device and resolutions, improve user experience should be implemented.

Ever since the evolution of GUI (graphical user interface), user experience is gaining priority. UX or user experience, is all about how a user feels about a product or service they use. All user-centered designs strive to improve users experience and create products or services, or designs, graphics, etc., around their needs. That is one reason why technology is constantly improving and revolving around making things better for users. According to a recent study, over 50% of browsing activity is done with Smartphones and also, tablet users have considerably increased. Only websites that load well in these platforms are likely to stand the test of times. Responsive Web Design is one way to enhance users' online experience and ensure users' requirements are met.

Soon there will be a time when everything that surrounds us will have an IP address and convey the necessary information to the users without the intervention of humans on any level. To this foreseeable future, it is important that all IT companies implement solutions that address the needs accordingly.

About the Author

BrandMantra Solutions Pvt. Ltd is a website design Miami Company that implements all the latest trends in the website design. To know more about the different services, please visit us here

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