Tips To Reduce Car Insurance Drivers Costs

Car Insurance Driver Costs

by Damian Youell

Tips To Reduce Car Insurance Costs

Unfortunately the costs of car insurance have risen over the last 10 years. The main reason for this is due to the number of people claiming for personal injury cases. 10 years ago when someone ran into the back of another drivers car, the cost of the claim was just the repairs to the car. Nowadays though you can also add a couple of thousand to pay for a whip lash or neck injury claim.

The increased competition among car insurance companies in particular the direct providers and the internet brokers has helped curb the increases. However there are still somethings that you can do to reduce you annual or monthly premiums.

1 - Make sure you tell them how many miles per year you do as low mileage discounts are normally given for less than 5000 miles per year.

2 - If you're car has an alarm, try and find out the make and model no, as some insurers give discounts.

3 - We recommend you get car insurance quotations off atleast 5 insurance companies.

4 - If you hold an advanced driving license such as institute advanced motorists then information inform the motor insurance companies that you apply to.

For many more tips on saving money on you car motor insurance visit

About the Author

Damian is the owner of many finance related websites. Including mortgage, loans insurance and debt advice.

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