Why Give A Crystal Swan For A Sweet Sixteen Birthday?
We’re living in a period when our daughters are growing up so fast and moving so quickly from childhood to adulthood. Unfortunately, they’re missing one of the most important developmental stages in their lives – young adulthood – that last, almost carefree period between sixteen and twenty-one.In the distant past, notable families presented their daughters to society. This was referred to as a “coming out”. While we no longer present our daughters to the upper crust of society, we nonetheless have to prepare our daughters for their emerging social environment.A sweet sixteen birthday is as important as you and your daughter want to make it. It is the perfect time for parents to take advantage of an important teaching moment. A crystal swan is very symbolic when given as a gift. Here’s how to use that teaching moment with a crystal swan gift to make this birthday significant and important.The crystal swan should be presented to your daughter in private with no other family members present. This is a private moment for her. Explain to your daughter that she is passing from the “ugly duckling” stage of childhood. You can go down memory lane pointing out some of those good and bad moments in your daughter’s childhood. Tell your daughter why you are giving her a crystal swan for this special birthday. Here are a few ideas for you. The swan carries a great deal of symbolism by its very nature and appearance.When we think of swans we think of gracefulness, elegance, nobility, strength and beauty. Aren’t these some of the qualities that you would like your daughter to possess? However, a swan is gangly and unattractive on land (the ugly stage), but absolutely beautiful in the water (blossoming into adulthood). She’s leaving all the problems of childhood behind and moving towards the water. This is the time in her life where she has to set her own direction and decide what she will and won’t do. It is a time for her to solidify her morals, her relationships with family and friends and to learn to carry herself responsibly as an adult. Every decision she makes in her life from this point on, no matter how big or how small, will have a lasting influence on the remainder of her life. Why give a crystal swan. The attributes of crystal are quality, nobility, brilliance, and value. Does your daughter possess any of these attributes? Then tell her. It’s important to attach the symbolism of the crystal swan to your discussion items. This can be a fun event for both you and your daughter.Tell your daughter to hold onto this crystal swan and display it prominently in her room. It will become a constant reminder throughout her life of her sixteenth birthday and all that it meant. We have always used symbols to motivate us, inspire us or to keep us on the straight and narrow path. Believe it or not, your crystal swan gift will become a treasure in your daughter’s life. Crystal lasts forever and the crystal swan will always be there for her along with the memories of the beautiful things you told her. Use a little creativity and planning and you will give your daughter a remarkable and memorable Sweet Sixteen Birthday. The Crystal Swan and you make it work.
About the Author
Lowry Mell is a retired Merchandiser and former Marketing and Business Consultant. sHis articles are focused on crystal animal figurines and crystal jewelry. For more information, visit:http://www.CrystalCrossroads
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