Jamon Iberico and Tinned Ham Differences

by Lamberto Fresnillo

Tinned or canned ham is it is known in the United States is a meat product that is sold in can or tins. There are two kinds of canned ham and one can be stored on the shelf for two years is called shelf stable and the other is the kind that must be refrigerated. The shelf stable kind of canned ham can be stored for up to two years in the shelf at room temperature because it has been sterilized during the canning process. It is packed in pear shaped cans that are family sized and flat at the bottom and rounded on top. They are packed in larger cans called "Pullman cans" for hotel or restaurant purposes. Tinned hams are usually considered as breakfast food in America and also as a main dish.

Jamon An ancient breed of pigs found only in the Iberian Peninsula in Spain produce the Iberico ham. The pigs are known as "Pata Negra" in the local dialect and are believed to have descended from the prehistoric Mediterranean boars that are distinguished by their black hooves. The hooves are kept for displaying as their marks of authenticity. These unique pigs are genetically predisposed to store more fat which will allow the jamon iberico to be cured longer than other traditional hams. This results to an intense and complex flavour with a hint of sweetness and saltiness.

The only similarity between tinned ham and the<a href="http://www.jamondetrujillo.com/"> Jamon Iberico is that they are boneless. As for the taste and texture, this is where the similarities end. Tinned ham comes from pigs that are commercially bred. Iberian pigs which produce the Jamon Iberico are not penned and they are fed on a special diet of acorns. The taste of Jamon Iberico settles on the palate like fine wine, it also has complex flavours and nuances. Jamon Iberico is far more superior in taste, quality, and texture than regular tinned ham.

The differences of the finished meat products can be identified by the taste, color, where the meat comes from, and how they are produced. Every culture or country has its own specialty ham and each is treated, produced, and cured in their own special way. For the Spanish, the best ham is the bellota ham and it is treated like fine caviar or a beautifully aged wine. Spain's fondness for bellota ham has reached other countries around the world and it can even be seen as an influence to the preparation of ham in other countries. It can be said that the Jamon Iberico has reached a status that it is coveted as an exclusive meat product by many and as a premium delicacy of Spain.

About the Author

Lamberto Fresnillo is the Director of FIDIAS Consulting. His expertise includes giving information about Videos, VSAT satellite tracking images , visual recipes, reports and further information in http://www.jamondetrujillo.com

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