Asthma Attacks and alternative treatment

by Paul Callis

Asthma attacks are not pleasant to have and are certainly not nice to watch, as you feel helpless, and generally do not know what to do. Once you have experienced having one, you certainly do not want to go through that horrid experience again. Asthma in technical terms is a respiratory disorder that is characterized by an abnormal lung condition by which the accumulation of mucus is found in the lungs. When you have an attack the flow of air is constricted causing breathing to be extremely difficult, a feeling like your windpipe has completely closed itself up. What’s causes asthma still puzzles most experts in this field. What sets off an asthmas attack is also something that cannot be pin pointed to one particular area. Tests have shown that it can be inherited from your family, and can be often found that somewhere in your family tree there has been an asthma sufferer. Wheezing, shortness of breathe; coughing and the tightness of your chest are just several of the symptoms caused by the narrowing of the airways. Now a days with the increase of power stations etc and other forms of chemicals in the atmosphere and worldwide pollution that these changes can contribute to the ever rising of asthmas sufferers. A common cause is thought to be allergies, whether it is the hair of an animal or any other allergy, these can be a contributing factor in starting an attack.Thankfully it is not contagious, and is thought of more as been an inherited disease. Modern statistics show that most causes of asthma attacks in the modern generation are from allergic reactions. A common fact is mothers who are still carrying their child who smoke lightly of heavily, contribute to their child’s airway been much smaller than a non smoking mother’s child, which will help contribute to asthma if the child is allergic to anything, or if it has inherited asthma.Locating asthma treatment can be a daunting task as there is so much to offer on the market, and every seller states that they will cure asthma, that you do not know where to go. Herbal cures are popular on today’s market, and there is an herbal asthma aid which is completely natural and made with medicinal herbs and is said to be one of the most effective forms of asthma treatment available today.Mustard, Ginger and Garlic help prevent mucus on the lungs and Liquorice help removes mucus from the lungs. These four help prevent asthma as they do the opposite of asthma appears to do. Before any herbs are used you should always check with your local doctor, as they may point you in the direction or a specific herb, and not recommend another depending on your conditions and allergies. The one thing with an herbal remedy is that you will not have the side effects that antibiotics and chemical cures will have.

About the Author

More information on Asthma Treatment can be found at the author’s website at

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