What Makes You Tick?

by Sharmen Lane

Can you imagine doing something you love every single day? What a way to live! Right? How many get to do that? I know I do. Everyday I wake up and think I am so blessed to get to do what I love all day. That is a gift that not everyone can to indulge in. I believe the world would be a better, happier place if everyone on the planet lived their passion everyday. However, everyday I hear someone say how unhappy they are with the life they have, but they have no idea what would make them happy. That’s why I chose to write this article on “What Makes You Tick?”

Below is a list of questions to ask yourself to help you find the thing or things you are passionate about. It is amazing how many people will say “I don’t know” or “I’m not passionate about anything,” when asked what are you passionate about or what would you love to do everyday?

So, ask yourself the following questions with no judgments or opinions. Just answer them with ease. Go with the first answer that comes to mind. Don’t over contemplate the answers. Just ask yourself the questions and let the answers flow from you.

Question 1. If tomorrow were my last day on Earth, what would I wish I had done?

Question 2. Do I have a recurring dream or vision about something?

Question 3. What do I feel that I was put on this Earth to do?

Question 4. Do I have something that you deeply care about?

Question 5. Do I find myself consistently thinking about something or having a recurring thought or vision?

Question 6. What are 5 things I am really good at?

Question 7. Ask 5 people what they think I am good at?

Question 8. If I had a week all to myself with no responsibilities, how would you spend it?

Question 9. What are 5 things I really enjoy doingQuestion

10 .. Name one thing I do that hours go by in what feels like minutes?

Now that you have answered all the questions, is there a common denominator? Is that common denominator something you could add into your life every day? My guess is yes. Take the thing that continues to come up and find a way to be, do or have it every single day. Even if only for a minute each day, add it to your life. This is a great way to tap into your hidden passion or childhood dream that was pushed aside for one reason or another. Don’t you think you will enjoy your life so much more if at least once in the day, if not for the entire day, you spend it with something you love?

Remember, it’s never too late to create your fate. Empower yourself and make your life happen by choice!

For more information visit www.sharspeaks.com or email us at shar@sharspeaks.com

About the Author

Through keynote speeches, workshops, training, seminars and self-help products, motivational business speaker and self help guru Sharmen Lane has trained, managed, and coached thousands of individuals and corporations on what it takes to get what they want for their business and personal lives. To learn more, visit www.sharspeaks.com.

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