Your Own eBook WebSite: Web Business Start up Costs & Quick Guide for Beginners

by Will Dean

So maybe you are looking for some extra spending money, maybe you finally flicked the “bird” at your boss, or maybe you want to satisfy your curiosity. Consumers are weary of the unknown (internet in this case) and wonder what it takes and how much it costs to start up an online business without having to sacrifice or gamble their money away. You will learn what start up fees are associated and a cost effective way to “test the water”. Soon you’ll realize the huge potential from earning money online.

eBooks are generally the easiest products to start your online business. The eBook resale right will be conveyed to you and you will be permitted to distribute the products as you wish. That means you can charge a lot, a little, or nothing at all (this also depends on the terms of use from the author, so please read them). Let’s use an eBook as our sale item and see how much (or little) money we will need to spend on our new and profitable home-based business to starting earning money. We’re going to budget so that we aren’t reaching into our wallet/purse every 2 seconds.

1) Purchase eBook: ~ $4.99

You will need to shop for a current eBook/product. You’ll likely find a good eBook resale right for a decent price. You can choose to purchase an individual products or packages and sell a variety, depending on your preference – it is, however, often easier to concentrate on 1 eBook.

2) Purchase Domain Name: ~ $6.95/yr.

There are a variety of domain name providers. I found My1Host Web Solutions offers a great price for .com addresses.

3) Purchase Web Host: ~ $9.99/mo

There are also a variety of web hosts, but I found a decent package with lots of a storage space, 24-7 support, SQL, CGI from Host Gator.

4) Webpage Creation Software: ~$Free

If you plan on creating your own website, you can download free templates from the internet and alter those using free programs. I use Nvu to change/create my webpage and FileZilla to upload them to my FTP server web host.

5) Payment Processors: ~ $Free

There are several alternatives to choosing a payment vendor. These include Paypal, ClickBank,, SafeCharge, and many more. Many people like ClickBank because of its friendly consumer interface, but it costs $49.95 to setup. I use Paypal because it’s free (they deduct a small percentage $0.20 - $0.30 per transaction). Some people seem to think it’s a burden that consumers need to login/sign up before paying but there is an option for them to pay by credit card without signing up.

6) Marketing – Traffic: ~ $Free

I won’t be discussing website marketing, but you can do this very effectively for free. There are many expensive ways to drive traffic to your site but often, the most effective ways are free. After making some money, you can then invest in other areas such as Adwords.

7) Autoresponder: ~$Free - $20

You can choose to use an autoresponder, which is software that allows people to sign up for newsletters (you create) and promotions. It replies automatically to the people who’ve signed up. You then accumulate a mailing list and easily send emails to every prospect in your database simultaneously. This is highly effective by capturing recurring clients to purchase your online products. Some autoresponders are free, but they contain advertisements in the outgoing emails, which may not look professional. You can buy decent software for $20 or less if you decide to use it.

That’s all we need for beginners to start. Now let’s tally up the costs!

1st Month: $21.93 (based on 1 ebook product @ $4.99 -- without autoresponder)

2nd – 12th Month: $9.99/mo

Entire spending in 1st year: $131.82

Selling 4 eBooks per week at $4.99/eBook for 1 yr gives you $960 (minus some small paypal fees). That’s almost a $830 profit. I’m sure you’ll profit much more than that, but this is very conservative to show you the potential.

Depending on how you want to expand your ebook resale right business, you can try using pay programs in the future, but that is completely up to you. By using mainly free methods, you’ll be making a decent income and realize that the good things in life are free!

About the Author

Will Dean is an ebook marketer that has established his online businesses and is enjoying a healthy life from the internet. He enjoys helping beginner eBook resale right sellers with their internet ventures based on low cost start-ups. You can learn more about ebook resales and view special purchase packages at

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