Nose Rings Are Socially Acceptable In Modern Society
Nose rings have become increasingly popular over the last few years. At one time the fashion for nose rings was only adopted by a very small minority but now all that has changed. Wearing nose rings has spread into every day society and as such has become much more socially acceptable.
Right here you are probably getting a vision of everyone walking around wearing large nose rings, but this isn't the case. A lot of people also wear studs in preference to rings, which are available in a variety of styles and metal types, including precious metals.
The background of nose rings is quite an interesting one. They are mentioned in religious writings and are even used as a way to acknowledge good looks or status by some cultures. Nose rings were widely adopted by the punks back in the nineteen eighties and as such were seen as trashy and rebellious for some time, but the social view on them has now changed for the better as wearing them has become more mainstream.
Nose rings now add to beauty as oppose to a medium of rebellious expression defined during the punk era. One reason for the more socially acceptable view now placed upon nose rings is the people in the public eye that are sporting them. Trends come into force when publically perceived 'respectable' people are seen to be wearing them. The target audience is now quite large for nose rings, so high street chainstores have added them to their ranges in more inventive ways, as well as producing new types for public consumption.
Although nose rings are now more widely accepted, it is worth checking your work policy as to weather this will cause any problems if you seen to be sporting them during regular working hours. Most employers these days will have no problem with discreet nose studs. A few of my close friends wear nose studs and only one has been asked by her employer if she would remove hers. She vehemently refused and had no repercussions as a result. My view is that it's a good thing that employers allow some self expression and individuality into the workplace.
About the Author
Article by Richard Davies at => . Visit our site to find out more about popular tattoos and piercings, including henna design, belly button rings, piercing supplies and more ).
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