Cross Promotion: An Effective Advertising Strategy

by Kate Manheaven

Cross promotion is one advertising strategy that not only increases your client base, but with the right products and services, it can help you reach out to as many clients in an efficient, credible and memorable manner.

Like many advertising articles suggest, cross promotion is considered as one of the more effective marketing strategies because it doesn’t need too much effort or energy on your part to start it. It’s also a good means to convey a strong message efficiently, with your clients remembering your point.

How does it work?

It works to everyone’s advantage actually, especially for those involved in cross promoting with you. You rely on less of your resources because it’s a marketing campaign that lets you team up with other small but credible companies that have the same target market. It’s co-branding, cooperative advertising, and shared marketing responsibility, all rolled into one.

It’s shared work basically. You have partners in marketing your business, as well as co-promoters in reaching out to the same target market. By teaming up with several business owners in the same niche, you’re able to have a more solid and bigger customer base. Not only do you increase your client base, you also provide your target market with a stronger promotional campaign that equals, if it does not surpass, the much bigger competitors in the same industry.

There are many ways to cross promote. Many advertising articles suggest bundled offers to feature in a marketing campaign. This includes joint media appearances for the members of the team, as well as collaborating in the production of marketing collaterals (e.g. flyers, brochure printing, posters and catalogs) and other informational media resources.

Online advertising articles promote the same thing – cross promotion is particularly exceptional for small businesses wanting to make it in a very competitive field. Cross promotion helps the smaller fish swim in a bigger pond by getting them together and augmenting each of their resources to create one major ad. Each member of the team helps each other expand the individual client base by sharing their resources.

By getting on a team, a small business have more chances of reaching out to as many target clients without having to spend so much for their marketing campaign. Not to mention that small businesses are able to stand out collectively, giving them an opportunity to compete with the other bigger fish.

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