Applying for a construction job - dos and don't's

by Grant Hill

Make an impression on employers when you apply for a job in construction - for all the right reasons. Applying for a construction job is not rocket science, but there are several pitfalls to avoid.

This guide to compiling a cover letter and completing your CV should serve to keep you on the right track when applying for construction jobs. Good luck!

Writing the cover letter

Your cover letter should be neither too long or too short when you are applying for a construction job. The first sentence should be punchy, attention-grabbing and make the recipient want to read on.

From there, elaborate on the skills, abilities and experience that you have which are required for the construction job in question and explain why you have applied to this particular company. This to-the-point letter should contain only relevant information and cover no more than one side of A4. Your CV is the place where to provide additional details.

Never simply mass-produce your cover letter as it is obvious when you have not tailored your cover letter to the role and company, and this will do little to impress the reader. Finish the letter politely and strongly, inviting the employer to contact you and saying that you look forward to hearing from them.

That's the cover letter dealt with, so now let's look at your CV and how it can deployed to aid your search for a construction job.

How to write an effective CV

If you do not currently have an up-to-date CV, don't panic - creating one is a simple enough process that can greatly enhance your career prospects. Here are a few things to bear in mind when compiling a new CV.

Simplicity is your friend Do not over complicate your CV. Keep it short, to the point and punchy. Emphasise your strengths and qualifications, and write in plain English.

Work chronologically The education and employment sections of your CV should start with your most recent experiences and work backwards. If this is your first job, then list any experience of working in the construction industry.

Honesty is the best policy An interview situation will most likely see you caught in any lies you spin - remember that employers can check many of the details you provide.

Qualifications If you have specific construction qualifications, make sure these are clearly highlighted in the CV and make sure that those most relevant are listed first.

Style Do not squash everything together on one page. Make sure that your CV is aesthetically appealing, stylistically consistent and that all spelling and grammar are correct. Ask someone to check it for you before sending it off.

About the Author

Cover letter tips for construction workers can help you secure a new job. Find out more about this as well as CV tips for construction workers.

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