3 Most Famous Video Game Lawyers
You may be surprised to hear the term "computer game lawyer" - after all, it doesn't appear like World of Warcraft and courts would ever work together. Honestly though, as these virtual destinations, especially the Internet-based interactive sensations, remain to control the world of at-home entertainment, legal concerns rise at a similarly alarming rate that require the skill and understanding of proficient professionals.
And with the explosion of gaming popularity across the globe, while many legal experts have found a new source of work, these three individuals have outshined the rest as true revolutionaries in the realm.
Jovan A. Johnson
A partner at the Los Angeles-based Johnson & Moo law firm, Johnson is known for his experience in computer game and online/virtual law, most notably relating to apps for computer systems, smartphones, and tablets. A company and advertising expert with a background in website management, his work reveals that he understands the necessary requirements for an app designer to follow in order to completely reach their capacity.
Because of the often open-source and shared nature of online computer and smartphone apps, Johnson's skills can be utilized to help the developer create and provide apps and programs that adhere to any and all specific guidelines.
Shawn Foust
While a skilled attorney himself, Shawn Foust didn't get his fame due to his skill in the legal field. Rather, in 2007, quickly after receiving his law degree, Foust spoke with the senior partner at his company with the idea of creating a practice that was entirely devoted to the rapidly rising computer game industry. And it ends up his pointer settled - a year after that conversation, he was put as the head planner of a team of lawyers, at the company of Sheppard, Mullin, Richter & Hampton, indicated to take care of the up-and-coming problems connected to the video game industry.
And this list of issues wasn't small - the tax, labor, litigation, and even immigration work proved to be enough to help Foust's team succeed in this new and exciting realm.
James Gatto
A partner at the Pillsbury Law Company in the field of social networks and games, James Gatto has actually shown his worth as a computer game lawyer by having a long list of cases agent of his substantial expertise in the field.
He helps companies understand and maintain end user license agreements for their finished products, he has advised a variety of organizations on their business and legal strategies as they first emerged, and has even helped craft DMCA (digital millennium copyright act) policies to protect the rights of those with whom he works.
Additionally, his long tenure in the field has provided him with the knowledge and skill necessary to reach his professional heights - he began working in the realm of intellectual property law in 1984, and has since expanded his reach to a variety of different topics in the video game and social media world.
The Legal World of Video Games
As the popularity of social media, video games, and any online and interactive programs increases, the rise in relevant legal issues will grow alongside. Yet while these issues may be complex and constantly developing, these three powerful video game lawyers have proven to be some of the leading professionals in their field that help resolve the conflicts on this brand new horizon.
About the Author
Stacey Schmidt is the lead counsel for the divorce and family law team at Schmidt & Gladstone. She and the attorneys at Schmidt Gladstone work hard to make sure every client gets a fair and equitable outcome in their case. For more information, please visit http://www.schmidtgladstone.com/
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