Education: Criticisms but What Solutions?

by Florence Bernard

Education is a big debate. There is no doubt that there is room for improvement in this country and many others. God knows it is a big topic of discussion in parties, meetings, gym classes and homes. And everywhere else.

Now what has come to my attention whenever I come across one of those instant "open forums" where everybody gets to jump in and share his/her views is that everybody knows what's not working but nobody has any solution. The discussions are merely criticisms or teachers, the government, parents, kids, video games, TV or whatever else it to blame for the O-terrible-state-of-education. But who has anything to propose to actually change things?

I've just spent some time in France. The French, as we know, as the champions of strikes! You can be pretty much guaranteed that there is always some form of strike going on in France at any given time. It's amazing! The most amazing thing is that it has become a principle. You just say no to everything and go on strike. Of course, it means that things stagnate and there is never a chance to improve because any plan or project is systematically rejected before it is even produced or discussed. But of course, people are still unhappy. They are unhappy with what they have in their job so they go on strike. When someone 'boss, government- attempts to suggest something they go on strike. You see where I am going? Nowhere! Just like all these people! And the worst thing is that, again, no one ever comes up with something better than what was proposed. Better or equal for that matter, as most of the time, people just know that they are on strike, but what for really?

But that could be another long debate. Back to education. It is all very good to say things are not working. First, it is important to figure out why they are not, to go to the source of the problem and see how it can be solved. But what most people do most of the time is just focus on the problem, focus on the negative and put the blame on others. All that does is build more negativity and just makes the problem remain, or worse.

When you find yourself in such a discussion about education, just throw this in. Just say: "yes, but what is your solution to this problem?". You'll see how many people will tell you it is not their problem!

It is everybody's problem! And everybody's duty is not to moan about a situation. It is to try and help it with constructive discussions. Not constant criticisms.

I wonder how many people will give an opinion on this. It will be interesting to see who really gets the point! And if you do have an idea about how to improve certain problems that you see in schools or about education in general in this country, just share it please! Who knows, maybe the right people will read it and things will change!

About the Author

Florence Bernard, founder or Better At School is a Parental Consultant and Motivational coach. She offers self-development for parents and children geared towards progress at school but also beyond and authored a book on this topic. , She is also a successful network marketer with Agel. - +1-954-903-0655

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