Following the Poker Religion

by Father Ashley

How is poker religion? I don’t know about you, but only attend one church: the Church of Texas Holdem. I worship there daily and when the collection plate is passed around, it’s me who gathers up the donations.If you want to find out how to play poker better, the first thing to do is treat your poker like a religion. The poker religion is no easier or more difficult than any other form of worship. It has rules and laws, rewards persistence and strict observance and will welcome you back into the fold anytime you’re ready to return from the wilderness and learn how to play poker to WIN.Worship regularlyJust as your boss asks you to be at the office by a certain time each day, because he knows you’ll be there to answer the phone, write emails or whatever else it is that people do in offices theses days, the god of poker wants you to be there every day too. Try to create a schedule for your poker play and stick to it.Obviously this does not apply to those androids who play 19 hours per day and seldom sleep! The rest of us have lives outside of poker and must make our poker religion fit in with all our other activities. You’ll find friends and family are far more understanding if they know in advance that you play every day from noon to seven.Religious observanceSo the next question arises: How to play poker religiously? It seems simple, but you must learn to trust the poker gods. Yes, your big pairs WILL be busted by sets. You WILL be flushed out on the river and you WILL endure horrible days (or weeks, or months) when seemingly nothing goes your way.It’s tempting during such torrid runs to turn your back on the poker religion and do whatever you have to to retain your sanity. But you’ll find, looking back, that all this achieves is heartache.I won’t judge any other religions, but the poker religion frowns on those who stray from the path of light and truth. The penalty is not eternal damnation, but bankroll retraction. Learn how to play poker to win and stick to what works and in the long run, you’ll always be ahead.Study the poker scripturesThere is a wealth of brilliant poker writing out there. I won’t be able to advise you on what style suits you best: are you a Gus Hansen or a Dan Harrington? The truth for most of us is somewhere between these two extremes of style. Those following my poker religion will learn that prudence is often best, but sometimes you have to be a little crazy.I prefer to be serious about my poker, but not boring in writing style. Some poker writers are dry as dust and you’ll fall asleep halfway through the first chapter. Others are genius players but unable to communicate their ideas well enough.If any of this rings true with you, perhaps it’s time to learn how to play poker to win by following my poker religion. The Church of Texas Holdem is open all hours and we’re always happy to have new followers. We hope you join us very soon! Good luck at the tables.

About the Author

Leader of the first ever Internet Poker religion, Father Ashley aims to lead players out of the Poker wilderness and into the light of the Church of Texas Holdem! Visit their website at:

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