: Small Mouth With Small lips by Topsurgeons.com

Collagen is a natural protein found throughout the body in the skin, muscles, tendons, and bones in all of us. As we age, the collagen fibers, which are woven together...........

by Marh henary

Collagen is a natural protein found throughout the body in the skin, muscles, tendons, and bones in all of us. As we age, the collagen fibers, which are woven together, like threads in fabric, begin to weaken. Our bodies’ collagen provides natural texture, resiliency, and shape. We lose collagen as we grow older. Cosmetic collagen was developed in the 1970’s by physicians at Stanford University from bovine collagen.

Autologous fat is removed from another part of the body and injected into areas of the face to help lessen the signs of aging or to cosmetically make small lips larger. To deal with small lips , don’t over line them to make them appear larger. The technique for creating a new lip line works great in photographs but in real life it looks like you missed your mouth and to keep up the look, you have to touch up your lipstick the second any wears off. What works best is lining just to the outside or edge of your true lip line with a natural colored lip liner. Don’t wear a dark lipstick because it will make your lips look smaller.

A true red or any vivid color will make your lips look bigger. If these techniques don’t make your small lips appear larger, you may want to consider cosmetic surgery procedures that enlarge small lips but that would be a last resort after experimenting with lipsticks options. Contact a professional for more information and discuss any concerns for small lips with your health care provider.

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