Coming Right Up - The Release of PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0
<p>The release of PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 is fast approaching. We believe PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 has significantly improved calculation capability which will allow bigger problems to be solved more quickly. Additionally, with hundreds of built-in mathematical functions, the unlimited ability to define your own functions, the ability to solve equations both numerically and symbolically, and the ability to solve complex systems of equations, PTC Mathcad supports your advanced engineering needs.</p>
<p>PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0 is a tool that can be used by everyone, from beginner to expert, and allows you to spend more time actually engineering. On an organizational level PTC Mathcad allows you to connect with more and different colleagues, aspects of design, and business by integrating with PTC Creo and PTC Windchill.</p>
<p>The connection between PTC Creo and PTC Mathcad allows a link between design inputs and calculation results to parametric CAD systems like PTC Creo. This CAD geometry will communicate what is being designed, while PTC Mathcad communicates why it was designed that way, furthering its documentation and sharing capabilities. On a larger scale, using PTC Windchill for the product development process allows for global collaboration, version control, and traceability for you design and engineering knowledge.</p>
<p>In the next few weeks we are hoping to take you through some of the key capabilities and functionalities that will be available in PTC Mathcad Prime 3.0. These features will allow you to: <ul> <li>Capture knowledge using functionality like math in text, formatting, copying and pasting into other applications like Microsoft Office, global definitions and usability improvements.</li> <li>Standardize using templates.</li> <li>Integrate with PTC Creo, PTC Windchill and other custom functions.</li> <li>Do More using copy and paste and having greater and better performance.</li> </ul></p>
<p>For those of you who are on existing versions of PTC Mathcad we have also improved on conversion fidelity so that it is easier to convert PTC Mathcad worksheets from previous versions, and more accurately. Inclusion of global definition operators, math in text, enhancements to the converter, and math formatting options will make this process easier and more fluid.</p>
<p>Stay tuned as I interview Technical Fellows, Software Development Engineers, Product Managers, Software Development Directors, and Product Definition Group Leaders devoted to optimizing PTC Mathcad software who will discuss each of the new features and how they can be a benefit to you.</p>
About the Author
Anna Giangregorio is a recent graduate of Hobart and William Smith Colleges and has been working in PTC's marketing department since May of 2011. When she isn't in the office, she likes to travel and walk her dog.
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