The Mother of all Information Overloads

by Darell McKissick

I have been making money on the internet for over five years now. Like most newcomers, I had to overcome the initial information overload that naturally happens when you tackle something of that magnitude.

There is just so much information available on how to make money. The result of all of this information being available is that most people fail simply because of the volume of information they try to consume.

The average person will spend so much time trying to learn how to make money on the internet that they never get around to actually doing it. No matter how much information you get, or how good the information is, if you don't implement it you will never make a dime.

The same is true if you don't stick with what you do implement long enough for it to work. Most people have been erroneously lead to believe they should be making a fortune within a week or two. When they are not yet making any money, they assume they have failed.

I can safely say that just about every money making technique you hear about has made someone money. Otherwise, why write it?

But can any product you buy on Clickbank really make you money? The answer is emphatically NO! There is no product on the market, and never has been, that will make money for you.

You have to get past the products and actually do some focused work. Put up some websites with Adsense. Place some Adwords ads. Sell (not buy) affiliate products.

When you buy a product that promises instant wealth, you are usually bombarded with an impressive and long list of special bonuses. These include ebooks, software, etc. that promise to make the whole process automatic.

What you end up with is a bunch of stuff that is practically useless and very time consuming. Many times the buyer ends up with information overload and never gets past it.

For example, I just obtained a copy of the "Ultimate Wealth Package". Even with my cable connection, it still took a few hours of tedious work just to get it all downloaded and put on CD. A person with dialup would be downloading for weeks to get everything the product comes with.

I have also just obtained The Butterfly Marketing Manuscript, Adwords Miracle, Google Cash, Autopilot Profits, Beating Adwords, Day Job Killer, Blogging to the Bank, and some others I can't even remember. I've just spent a lot of money just so I can review each of these products.

Add to that the purchase of a bundle containing a few more thousands of products to give away on my newest website, and I am in the mother of all information overloads.

After two days of downloading and ignoring my work, I still don't really know any more than how to download these products and what they come with. The moral of the story is don't buy more than one product if you are looking to make money on the internet.

Over the coming weeks, I will be thoroughly reviewing each of the products and posting those reviews on my new web site. I also suspect that many of the bonus items will come with rights so I can put them on the site for you.

But just like me, if you get into a state of information overload, get yourself back to work as soon as possible. The best way to make money off of a money making product is to work the knowledge into your existing efforts.

About the Author

Darell's newest website, is rapidly becoming the place to go for free money making ebooks and software. Stop by and bookmark it today. New and useful items will be added almost daily.

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