The Importance of Growing Organic Vegetables

by Preston Blackmore

Growing organic vegetables is not only a good hobby but also a good action in producing healthy foods and as well as helping the environment by the reduction of the contributing factors in pollution. Organic vegetable growing is a way of raising vegetables with the utilization of natural methods and organic based products to produce a good quality and nutritious vegetables.

Nowadays, it has been easy for vegetable propagators in raising vegetables. This is because they have been using commercially prepared products that contain chemical substances such as fertilizers, pesticides, and herbicides. These commercially prepared products maybe very successful in supplementing added nutrients, and in the eradication and control of harmful pests and weeds. But the negative thing in these chemical based products is that they contain ingredients that are not good for the human body and as well as to the environment.

The importance of supporting and growing organic vegetables is not entirely focused on one area but there are a lot of considerations made on it. Here are some points that you should understand why do you need to support and grow vegetables in an organic manner:

1) You should grow organic vegetables from organic vegetable seeds so that you can be sure that you are growing a vegetable seed that is also produced in an organic manner.

2) You should grow veg in an organic manner so that you will be of great help in saving mother earth from being totally polluted.This is because growing organic vegetable makes use of organic based products, which do not contain chemical substances. One of the harmful effects in using commercially based products is when you have given too much fertilizer in the vegetable. This can cause toxic concentrations of chemical salts in the soil, thus leading to chemical imbalances into the soil components. This will affect the growing plants in the soil.

3) As you harvest your fully grown organic vegetables, you can eat them confidently because you know in yourself that you have not used any methods or products that contain chemicals to grow your organic vegetables. Organically grown vegetables are healthy to eat beacuse they do not contain chemical traces over its surfaces. Therefore, what you get in eating organic vegetable is the essential minerals, nutrients, and natural fibers that is good for your body and mind.

4) Even though you are not growing organic vegetables for as long as you purchase organic veg, you are fully supporting the propagation of organic vegetables. You will also help small scale farmers in the use of natural methods and organic based products in growing organic vegetables.

5) You can also benefit in growing veg in an organic way because it will not cause you too much money in growing organic vegetables. You just have to make use of organic products such as organic fertilizers to supplement the growth of your organic vegetables. You can make organic fertilizers from compost, animal manures, agricultural by-products and processing wastes, green manures, domestic wastes, and industrial wastes. You just have to make sure that the soil contains biological organisms such as protozoa, fungi, algae, earthworms, and bacteria to decompose the organic matters and give off essential nutrients for the growing organic vegetables.

About the Author

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