by Robert Strong

by Robert Strong

Taji, Japan: Three years ago, in 2003, the graphically depressing massacre of dolphins was caught on video by an American anti-whaling group which led to alarming news of marine slaughter across the globe. Apparently, Japanese fishermen used atrocious ways to hunt dolphins. The footages captured how dolphins were brought to shore for butchering. People who have seen the tapes said it’s the kind you will not want to see over and over again. Up until 2005, every year between October and April, this small town of Taji is a witness to hundreds of dolphins getting killed. Protests to gather immediate assistance for in-depth analysis were also launched through all mediums and forms in response to help the marine animals. The direction now is to disseminate information especially to those who have no clue that such practice is done in this small town of Japan. When an alarming situation does have proven detriments, necessary steps are made to encompass the widest possible support from government or authorities. But on this case, the efforts and approaches were either not clearly enough to get the government’s attention or the growing opposition must have some reasons to become resilient or irresponsible to take its own course of resolution. According to the International Law, dolphin killing is allowed up to a certain extent. But more than the killing itself, what is more upsetting is the method of killing used. It suggests how humans will do anything for profit. Another daunting fact about this whole issue is the comment made by a town official that dolphin hunt has been a part of their town culture for 400 years. Others remained mum and chose not to say anything. In general, this is not the kind of statement useful for a possible resolution most especially that the town citizens are expected to work with the groups strategizing the abrupt stop of this marine killing. If the protests will be proven irrelevant, then expect more devices to be rolled out. The preservation of marine life is diagnosed as one segment that gets little support. The dangers may not be felt at this point in time but with the loads of information slowly making its way to people and media cannot be left unnoticed. For anyone who wants to make a contribution, donations are always welcome. All you have to do is visit, a very active conservation agency that actually deserves an acknowledgement for its continuous efforts to take care of the marine animal kingdom.

About the Author

Robert Strong is an active environmentailist living in North Vancouver BC. Visit their website at:

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