How to Get Customers to Flock to Your Home-Based Business
14 Simple Steps to Get More Clients
You're a home-based business owner who wants to generate more income. You can generate more income by serving more clients, but you don't have an unlimited budget to advertise – here are some effective marketing tips that you can implement for little money and only a few hours each week. Read through them, put them to work for you and let me know how they are working!
1. Set e-mail auto-responders. Use your e-mail to send automated responses. Create a "thanks for requesting information message" to be sent to anyone who sends mail to your ‘contact us' account from your web-page.
2. Create Frequently Answered Questions document and post it on your website. Direct all new inquiries to your website for more information about your service. Answer the questions your best customers have – and make it easy for them to find the answers they need.
3. Use your e-mail effectively. Create a signature line that clearly states your name, business, and way to reach you, website and an info-teaser about what you do. With an easy-link to your website, you have no idea who else may be reaching you. Keep this on EVERY e-mail you send.
4. Create an e-zine. Your e-zine should provide information that your target clients can use. Make it interesting and ‘forward-worthy.' Encourage your subscribers to send your e-zine to their friends and colleagues.
5. Use the articles you write for your e-zine to submit to other on-line e-zines and publishers. You can request a list of potential sites for your article submission by e-mailing
6. Business Cards. Post your business card where your target clients will see it. You can have your business cards printed by the local printer or you can use an on-line site, such as…but once you have your cards make sure they stay consistent – changing your card design on vistaprint is fun, but it dilutes YOUR brand.
BONUS TIP: When networking, be specific about what a GOOD lead is for your company. It cuts down on getting lots of calls from people who you can't help, and it helps others to help you!
7. When asked what you do, be clear and concise. Make sure you focus on the benefit you bring to your customers, instead of "I'm a freelance writer," how about, "I help businesses increase their bottom line by writing killer copy for their direct mail campaigns ." Don't be shy and be sure everyone who meets you knows what your business is.
8. Present yourself as a business professional at all times. Even though you work at home, be sure you always present your most professional self on the phone, in correspondence and when you go out to run errands (you never know who you will run into as you fill up your car!). Be articulate and polite in your dealings with everyone you meet.
9. Be consistent. In your branding, your tag lines, and the service you deliver. Your customers expect the same thing every time they work with you. Your website and voicemail are great ways to build your brand consistency. Use the same colors, logos and tone in everything you do.
10. Treat your current customers like they pay for your mortgage, car and insurance. They do. Make sure they understand how much you appreciate them by consistently delivering outstanding service and taking the time to listen to their calls and concerns. In essence, treat them better than you want to be treated yourself.
11. Track what you do. Create a spreadsheet that allows you to note what activity you have done to market your business and to tabulate the results. Then make sure you cultivate the areas that are working for you.
12. Ask your clients to write testimonials for you. Your current clients are your biggest fans, so ask them if they would write you a letter describing the benefit you provide them. Once you have the testimonial use it on your one-page fact sheet, in your marketing materials and on your website. Make sure to get your clients' permission to use their name and contact information in case potential clients want to ask them specific questions.
13. Answer all requests in 24 hours or less. When a potential client calls to find out about your service, chances are better than good that they need service soon. The chances that they are going to sit by the phone waiting for your return call are slim – so make sure you are the first business to call them back. Respond even sooner to e-mail requests.
14. Call people back and respond to e-mail even if you don't provide the type of service they request. Good manners translate as good business. By providing leads to companies that can help them – these ‘non-clients' can become your fans and will recommend you to others.
For samples of the FAQs, Spreadsheets, testimonial requests and benefit statements, email and request more info on the Marketing Guide for Pet-Sitters.
About the Author
Peggie Arvidson-Dailey is the founder of Pet Care Business University and the Pet-Care Business Success Systemâ„¢. She is the author of the "Maintain your Love Affair with Your Pet" Series and several articles on finding and maintaining happy customers for pet-care businesses. As a trainer and coach she has helped people across the country create and build the pet-care business of their dreams. Visit http://www.peggiespets.comfor more information.
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