Treat Various Diseases by Administering Advantage Multi for Dogs and Cats

by allvetmed

Many people like to grow pets at home. The commonly grown ones are dogs and cats. Once you bring the pet home, very soon they become a part of your family. You would not believe how easily you will get emotionally attached to them. Like you tale care of yourself, it is important to look after your pet. They have a set of requirements which you need to do for them to be healthy. As it is essential for you to consume good food to be healthy, it is the same for them. Also, it is significant to protect them to any kind of diseases. The products used on humans can obviously not be used on pets. There are specific products which are specially created for them. For this, you can check for pet pharmacies that offer a wide range of products for various health conditions and also provide food supplements. It is very vital to protect pets from being attacked by parasites as this would cause diseases in them. One very effective that works well is the advantage multi for dogs and cats.

Advantage multi is a colorless to yellow topical solution. It is available in a single dose applicator tube. It works for the prevention of heartworm disease and kills adult fleas and treats flea infestations. It works for eat mite infestations and treats and controls hookworm, roundworm, and whipworm. It can be used in dogs and puppies of 7 weeks of age and older. Their weight should be at least 3lbs. it can be given to cats and kittens of 9 weeks of age and older and have a weight of at least 2lbs.

The benefit of advantage multi for dogs is that just one tube can be used to treat numerous diseases. It is proved to be the most effective treatment for preventing heartworm disease. It is a very safe product to be used on cats and dogs. The product is made from a combination of imidacloprid and moxidectin. Imidacloprid causes paralysis and death of fleas. Moxidectin avoids and controls heartworms and intestinal worms. This is happens by causing paralysis and death of the parasite. You should ensure to check through all the precautions about the product before administering it to the pet. It should not be administered orally. If the pet is pregnant, you should inform the veterinarian as they would suggest if the product should be used or not.

Products offered by online pet pharmacies work on numerous health conditions to keep the pet healthy. All these products are from well-known brands in the industry ensuring good quality. They are tested by strict quality control tests to match good standards. It is always better to read advantage multi for dogs reviews before making a purchase. Even though these products are effective, pet owners should purchase them only if recommended by a veterinarian. The dosage will be suggested by the veterinarian based on the weight of the pet and the severity of condition. It is good if you read up on how to administer it to the pet. Some of these stores offer products at discounted prices.

About the Author

allvetmed is the author of this article on advantage multi for dogs. Find more information, about advantage multi for dogs and cats here

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