Beating Candida With Diet and Nutrition
Candida yeast infection is being caused by the overgrowth of the Candida fungi. This could happen for a lot of reason. Pregnancy or stress may cause it as well as some illnesses which affect the immune system. Even some medicines like birth control pills or steroids may cause the Candida yeast infection. But the antibiotics are the most dangerous as they kill the bacteria which is preventing the overgrowth of the Candida fungi, consequently the infection is on its way. Another cause for the Candida yeast infection could be high blood sugar, but in young females' case. Girls who are suffering from untreated diabetes present a higher risk of suffering from with Candida yeast infection.
Some people believe that candida infection causes, or at least contributes to, fibromyalgia. Dr. William Crook, MD, originally proposed the concept of candidiasis as a contributing factor to a number of difficult-to-diagnose disorders. There is still some controversy about Dr. Crooks work, but more people are beginning to agree that candida may have a role in fibromyalgia and other illnesses.
Every three out of four women experience at least one yeast infection during her life; many experience recurrent infections. You can reduce the probability of recurrent attacks by practicing some preventive steps. Always wear white cotton panties. Nylon and Lycra may trap air and create a breeding ground for yeast. Keep the external genital area clean and dry. Avoid antibiotics and steroids, because they destroy the competing bacteria and allow yeast to overgrow. Avoid irritating and perfumed soaps, vaginal sprays. Change tampons and sanitary napkins frequently. After swimming, change quickly into dry clothing instead of sitting in wet bathing suit for prolonged periods. Take antibiotics only as prescribed by a doctor. If diabetic, try to keep tight control over blood sugar levels. Avoid using oral contraceptives if you have a yeast infection. Avoid use of petroleum-based lubricants for vaginal lubrication during sexual intercourse. Try using water-based lubricants.
Food is one of the main triggers of thrush. Avoid dried fruits, dairy products, products with yeasts, mushrooms, pickled vegetables and fruits, monosodium glutamate and smoked fish and meat as these can trigger thrush. You can also try to follow a restricted diet for at least one month. The restricted diet can help you determine the particular foods that triggers thrush. You can then avoid these foods to avoid acquiring thrush.
Vaginal irritation alone may not necessarily be indicative of a yeast infection. Vaginal irritation is also caused by the use of products such as perfumed soaps, bubble baths, douches, feminine hygiene sprays, spermicides, and vaginal deodorants. A vaginal discharge can sometimes occur in between a woman's menstruation periods, but if the discharge is not accompanied by itchiness, then it is unlikely to indicate a case of Candidiasis.
When Candida albicans thrives on the tongue, it could just be an annoying local overgrowth. The official name for this is oral "thrush." But bear in mind that a very furry tongue might indicate that Candida is also present in large numbers in the digestive tract, hidden from view, and could have spread beyond the borders of the intestines.
Individuals suffering from iron deficiency anemia and diabetes are more susceptible to get thrush than those not suffering from these diseases. So if you suffer from these diseases you must be doubly careful in avoiding thrush. Avoid alcohol, steroids and too much sugar if you feel that you are susceptible to thrush. These substances can prohibit the growth of Candida Albicans.
About the Author
Sarah Rhodes suffered from chronic yeast infections for many years before finally discovering a natural, permanent cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her yeast infections at:
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