Millionaire Dating:Signs That She Likes You Back, Part 1

by Andrea Carless

Being in love is such a captivating and moving emotion. In millionaire dating, you can find the love of your life; however, do you know whether they truly love you or not?

This will be quite tricky, don't misinterpret her natural loving nature and woman's touch to be of love.

However, women give subtle, yet strong signs that make would affirm whether she loves you or not. Read on and find out more!

1. She blushes when you're around. Well, of course, she won't be blushing all the time but it's when you compliment her, that her cheeks turn pinkish. That means that she is smitten by you and is affected with your presence.

2. She shows her affection not just when you two are together but publicly. Although women are more reserved and demure compared to men when it comes to showing public display of affection, it doesn't necessarily mean that she's comfortable with it. If you are not the showy type then your girl won't tend to show too much public display of affection as to not embarrass you. So what are these signs that she'll proudly show the public? It's usually little gestures like running her finger through your hair or resting her head on your shoulder, stroking your cheek.

3. She looks at you with dreamy eyes. When she looks at you and you can see and feel all the love from her, that's a sure sign that she likes you. By this, you won't literally see stars in her eyes, but you can see her emotions though them. Her eyes become softer and you will see that sparkle and love in her eyes.

4. She opens her body to you. And no, not THAT way. Check her body language when she sits next to her. when she sits in front of you with that curious smile om her face; she might be well interested in you. If she does small touches of affection, like say, touching your shoulder, or resting her palms on top of yours, then those are sure signs that she likes you back.

5. She puts in extra effort just to look good for you. Okay, you should know this by know, women take long to finish dressing up. The lady who likes you wants to make sure she would look good on your dates and that she'll come on time. All this she does to make herself look good for you. This doesn't mean that she would wear sexy clothes, because even in simplicity, she can still exude sensuality and elegance.

6. She laughs at your jokes. It's a sure sign that she likes you when she laughs at your lamest jokes when others don't. Even if you don't know how to tell jokes and such, even with just trying to tell one, your lady will smile and laugh so as to not hurt your feelings?!" feeling in her brain.

About the Author

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