30 Minutes to Find a Niche and Run an AdWords Campaign

by Rolf Arne Trondhjem

30 minutes to find a niche and make money with Google Adwords.

Here is a Quickie Guide to earn money with Google AdWords in just 30 minutes.

The problem with Google AdWords is that it has become very difficult to find keywords at a reasonable price. Bidding on keywords like “make money from home” or something in that range will kill your advertising budget in no time.

So, you have to think out of the box, and find a niche.

I use the free report from Word Tracker to find those niches. You can sign up for free at Word Tracker, and receive a list with the top 500 keywords in your mailbox once a week.

When reading this weeks report, I found a couple of interesting items:

On place 11 on the list I found the keyword “prom dresses”. A quick search with Overture’s Keyword Selector Tool tells me that there have been 397264 searches for this keyword.


I then launch the Overture Bid Tool, to see how much this keyword will cost me.

Only 0.26 for the top spot!

Now, as a member of Linkshare I have noticed that they have an affiliate program called “Prom Girl”. The rest is easy match!

More keywords:

“Recipes” 1610980 searches, cost per click: 0.13. I know that there are e-books out there selling recipes! “Naturist” 76020 searches, cost per click:0.08 A quick search on Google, and I found an affiliate program called NudistfriendFinder with an affiliate program that pays $10 for each new signup.

This is just examples on how you can use only free tools to find a niche where the competition isn’t that hard. Use your fantasy, and you will find them too!

One Word of Caution:

When you are running campaigns with keywords with that much exposure, please remember to set a daily limit. And keep a close eye on your campaign.

Links: http://www.wordtracker.com http://inventory.overture.com/d/searchinventory/suggestion/ http://uv.bidtool.overture.com/d/USm/search/tools/bidtool/

Good Luck!

****************************************************************** Rolf Arne Trondhjem is a online marketer with 3 years of marketing experience. Visit his new site and download his free e-book “SuperAffiliate ShortCuts” http://www.success-affiliate.com ******************************************************************

About the Author

****************************************************************** Rolf Arne Trondhjem is a online marketer with 3 years of marketing experience. Visit his new site and download his free e-book “SuperAffiliate ShortCuts” http://www.success-affiliate.com **************************************************************

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