Should Small Businesses Still Outsource Their Payroll Services

by Jamie Simpson

Payroll management can be a rather time-consuming and nerve-wracking task, and there are few business managers that will tell you that they are thrilled at the idea of doing payroll. For that reason small business owners may choose to turn to an outside source to get the job done.

A large business may not see having a payroll department as a hassle, but a small business may be hard pressed to be able to afford an in-house payroll department. If you have a business with fewer than 30 employees, then it's probably in your best interest (both financially and personally) to go with and outsourced payroll services. One great way to do this is to figure it out yourself. Find out how much time your employees spend with payroll-related tasks, then figure out the costs of that and then compare that with the amount of the plans offered by various payroll services, including services like printing and distributing checks, and making tax documentation.

Another reason to outsource payroll is to save time. Think of the other more productive tasks that employees could be doing if they weren't busy with payroll. You also won't have to worry about training new employees if you have an in-house payroll service and outsourced payroll may prove to be more productive themselves. Speed is another factor to take into account. You want to choose an outsourced payroll service that can get you what you need with lightning speed. They know what they are doing, what you need, and have the technological resources to provide it. Also, an in-house payroll service may have to devote a large amount of time to learning tax laws and mandates on federal, local, and state levels.

Mistakes can be made with payroll, mistakes that will anger your employees and may have the government banging on your door. Choosing outsourced payroll services will mitigate the amount of mistakes that can be made, and if there is a mistake then you can seek recompense with the payroll service, something that you may not be able to do so easily with an in-house payroll department.

Security is another reason to go with an outsourced payroll service. As a business owner, you shouldn't have to devote your time to checking on your employees and worrying about them trying to pull a fast one on you when it comes to hours spent solely devoted to payroll. Rather than keeping an eye out for suspect employees, it may be in your best interest to choose an outsourced payroll service where they have the technology that will alert them of an employee's shady activities. Doing this allows you to focus all of your time and efforts on your business.

Even if you are a large business it may interest you to seek the services of an outsourced payroll services. At the end of the day you want your business, be it large or small, to be successful and grow, and the only way to do that is with time and attention, time and attention that shouldn't be spent worrying about things that you shouldn't have to worry about.

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