The Value of Articles
by Ken Nadreau
It goes without saying that advertising is a key element to any successful business. If people aren't aware that your business exists, there's no way you'll make it. So to succeed, you need to get the word out.
There are several methods of advertising that have been proven to be effective. Email marketing is one that has been used for many years now. However, due to abuses like "spam" and the establishment of the "Can Spam" law, using this method has been reduced to sticking with opt-in subscribers to ezines and newsletters.
Though this can still bring in a great many sales, it's limited to the same people getting your message every time. Unless you have a killer way of getting more people to opt-in, you're marketing efforts could become stagnated.
Another way is to advertise in news groups such as those found on Yahoo Groups and Google Groups. This type of advertising also works, but for the most part you're inundated with return advertisements from other marketers who really aren't interested in your ad.
As each method of advertising gradually become "old news," the ingenuity of marketing experts come up with new ways of getting their messages out to the public. In fact, over the last couple of years, another way of getting "seen" has become quite popular among marketers . . .
Articles that carry a message geared to certain markets have taken the fore front of advertising lately. These articles, though rarely a direct advertisement for a particular product, can be "themed" to allude to products by offering "tips and tricks", "how-to's", and other information that put's a reader in a frame of mind that could lead them to wanting the product, or at least have an interest in it.
Added to these subtle hints in the body of an article, in most cases you are allowed to add your "bio box" which is a section attached to an article that tells the reader about you, the author. Here you can add your website url that leads the reader to the very product your article alludes to.
Your article can and should be uploaded to your website for browsers to find.
But there's also a better way to utilize of your article that could bring thousands of people into ear shot of your message . . .
Along with the popularity of articles, many websites have been created to accept and post articles. These websites are frequented by other marketers looking for free content for their own websites, who are allowed to take these posted articles and place them on their own pages providing they leave the article including the "bio boxes" intact.
Consider what this means . . .
A single article could conceivably be posted on hundreds of submission sites, and reused, intact, by thousands of other marketers.
Each time your article gets posted on a submission site, you get publicity, plus an external link pointing back to your site where your sales pages are. So with just going this far, your article could bring a couple of hundred links pointing back to your promotional or sales pages.
But what happens if thousands of other marketers take your article from these submission sites and reuse it on their sites?
You end up with an enormous viral campaign is what happens!
And unlike the regular ads you see on classified pages, your articles can, in time, label you as an expert in your field because they give you room to really say what you have to say.
Yes, writing articles and submitting them to as many places as possible, can be viral and can boost your credibility, your visitors, and most of all, your sales.
Not too bad for something you can do for free!
About the Author
Ken Nadreau is an entrepreneur, an author of popular ebooks, and a marketing coach specializing in effective writing skills and brain storming niche marketing ideas. His latest project centers around the value of article writing and submission.
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