Dude Where In The Name Of God Is My CCNA
Cisco-certified Networking Associate. These words never sounded great to my elder brother when he was studying engineering. Unlike him, I chose to pursue a different field, studying literature against my parent's wishes. In this world that we live in right now, I am kind of thankful that I did. When my brother started college, the CET had just come into the picture. Since he was a bright student, he could afford to get into a decent college in our hometown. He worked hard through college and didn't have to compete with far too many students to get a good rank. This privilege enabled him to regard things like CISCO certified courses with some disdain. He had his own talent that led him through life and that's what he would always rely on.
By the time a couple of his friends who weren't so lucky with the CET procured admission into colleges, the competition had increased ten-fold. This competition meant more engineers, more colleges and fewer quality jobs. They started feeling the undue pressure that is part and parcel of most engineering students lives these days. They didn't know how to compete with their peers. Sometimes, I would speak to them and find out that they are trying to get ahead by learning new skills. In one of these talks, they told me about CCNA training.This was not an easy thing to get so they would travel to Mumbai on the weekends to acquire the skill. This was one of the reasons they never had time to meet any of their friends. But at the end of the day, the training paid off and they got good jobs. This is because networking and networking solutions are something that will always be needed in ever-increasing numbers. Even when you aren't working, you can work in the field and give some extra-power to your resume.
This is what makes it so potent a form of learning. As someone who is inexorably involved in technology, you don't only get an intimate understanding of networks but you also understand infrastructures that form these networks. The exciting bit is that if you apply your mind to it, you can create your own career using this. With the changing times, even accessibility is increased. CCNA certification, for example, was a tough thing earlier but now it is commonplace. So go ahead, learn and give yourself that extra edge. It might just change your life.
About the Author
Nirmal Datacomm provides various Training courses like ccna training in pune.For more details Visit our Website Now!!! http://www.training.nirmaldatacomm.com/Certifications.aspx?CourseId=16
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