How Can IP Lawyers Help Protect Your Intellectual Property?

by Tim Bishop

Intellectual property (or IP) can be invaluable to a business, especially one within a creative industry. It is often undervalued and not correctly protected. If you take the right action and get your IP protected then you are less likely to experience an expensive infringement in the future.

A rubber stamp will not offer sufficient protection if you find that a 3rd party has infringed your copyright. External developments in legislation may mean you need to check your IP protection, you should also consider the protection of any moral rights and be mindful of confidentailty. Getting quality intellectual property advice from specialist IP Lawyers can help you from the time you have an idea to its creation.

So what can you do before you consult IP Lawyers? Well, first thing is to make sure you get your idea, whether a design, music or manuscript, in writing with date and author's name. Create a document chain which shows the development of the idea, record all of your notes and save these in a special file. Treat your idea from the outset with UK Intellectual Property rights in mind.

Your specialist IP solicitor will make sure your idea is properly protected. Your IP may be an internet domain that should be registered as yours, trademarks, design rights or a patent.

Once your idea is off the ground you need to be aware of confidentiality and keeping your protection updated. A non-disclosure agreement is a useful tool if you are wanting to share your developments with outside parties. Your specialist solicitor can help you draft this. This is also relevant to those working with you or within the company. Everyone should be aware of their responsibilities towards your IP and they must understand their responsibility towards confidentiality. Nothing that you then covey to these people can be used further without your express permission.

If this has happened, then when an infrigement takes place you have the experience of your IP solicitor behind you, ready to take action to prevent you loosing any revenue. This action may seem daunting but adopting a good protection strategy can, in itself, act as a deterrent against IP infringement. You can make things far easier for yourself by delegating this sensitive, legal area to experienced, specialist IP Lawyers.

About the Author

Bonallack & Bishop are specialist IP Lawyers ( ). If you need intellectual property advice contact one of their solicitors today. Tim Bishop is senior partner at the firm, responsible for all major strategic decisions. He has grown the firm by 1000% in 13 years and sees himself as a businessman who owns a law firm.

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