Sliverlight Image Viewer Control SDK v1.0 - Development::Components & Libraries Software

by Jimmy Tim

Sliverlight Image Viewer (TIFF, JPEG, BMP, PNG, GIF) and Barcode reader, image processing SDK on Window and Mac OS X or browser-based application. •Display BMP, GIF, JPEG, PNG, multi-page TIFF. •Save as bmp, JPEG, PNG, multi-page TIFF. •Save as bmp, JPEG, PNG, multi-page TIFF with specific size. •Save as multi-page TIFF with different compression (LZW, JPEG, CCITT FAX3, No Compression). •Zoom in, Zoom out, Fit to Width, Fit to Height. •Image rotation support (0, 90, 180, 270 degrees). •Drawing selection rectangle and crop specific part of image. •Display Thumbnail List and Set the Thumbnail List Alignment. •Image Effects plugin - Support add image effects for full image or selected part of image. •Image Effects plugin - Support AntiNoise, Blur, Blue, Brightness, Contrast, Diffuse, Desaturate, Emboss, FocalBW, Gamma, Green, Hue, Invert, Lightness, Median, Monochrome, Mosaic, Noise, Red, Sharpen, SharpenEdge, Twirl image effects. •Image Effects plugin - Support undo edited image, •Barcode Reader plugin - Barcode Recognition processes an entire page or only specific areas in a page and Automatic barcode type detection, Read multiple barcodes and High-speed barcode recognition and return sureness value of each detected barcode. Supported Codabar, Code 11 Code 3 of 9, Industrial 2 from 5, Interleave 2 from 5, Matrix 2 from 5, Code 128, EAN 8, EAN 13, UPC-A, UPC-E Barcode Type. •Include Sliverlight c# 2010 Sample Code. •Royalty free distribution of the control files. •Compatible with Microsoft Visual Studio 2010 or above products including Visual Studio 2010 Expression Editions as well as Microsoft Expression Blend.

About the Author

Author: Jimmy Tim Product page URL: Postal address: Viscom Software, USA, USA, USA, USA

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