The has to be the BEST way to enter the medical field. I should know!

If your interested in the medical field this info is for you.

by William Twiner

If you have a medical background, then you may want to consider a career in Medical writing. This field has been growing by leaps and bounds for many years and is projected to grow steadily for the next 5 years and beyond. With demand for work also comes salary increases as well. This is definitely a great field to jump into now.

If you want to succeed in this area all you need are writing and researching skills as well as the medical knowledge to back what you are writing about. Generally doctors that are retired, LPN’s and even RN’s have jumped into this lucrative career.

If you do no have existing medical experience or schooling, taking classes in pre medicine, chemistry and biochemistry and even physics. If you are a physician then this field is easy to get into. However, we all have to start somewhere and getting the proper education is key before entering this field. Many schools also provide curriculums that can help you obtain the writing skills that are needed to get a good hand on this field. For example; taking classes in medical writing is a great prep course.

As the internet grows so do forums and message boards, simply do a search for Medical writing and you will be instantly connected to hundreds of likeminded individuals who can help you and guide you on your way to becoming a medical writer. Medical Transcription is also a wonderful job as well if your not into the daily grind of writing, Philippine medical transcriptionists also make very good money and this field is just opening up in this area as well. Currently there are two colleges that award certificates in medical transcription. Whichever field you decide to pursue you will need to follow the basic tips below.

If you decide to go the medical writing route, you will need to have quite a few strong example of your writing, and this means as many 10-15 writing samples so potential employers can see the determine the value of your writing. A great idea is to start writing for a local newspaper in the health/medical section or try writing for the local hospital newspaper or newsletter. You may not get a salary a first or at all, but this experience is priceless and can help you land your job. The same is true for becoming a medical transcriptionist, this experience is invaluable for your resume and should be heavily considered as you are planning for either field.

This is just one small example of how you can unofficially enter the medical field before actually finding the career of your choice. Think outside the box, and do not just think in the United States. Europe, Russia, and even Philippines Medical Transcription schools can help you with your direction.

About the Author

If the medical field is of interest to you and you need more information on getting started check out our free information, and if Medical Transcription is the route you want to go then check out Medical Transcription School Philippines

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