Jump Start the New Year For Kids

by Breezy Weather

Copyright (c) 2011 Breezy Weather

Kids can use a fresh start this year. Most kids face a lot of challenges whether being bullied, hopelessness, depression, having a not so good home life, experiencing negative peer pressure or even being obese. Today they experience an over whelming amount of negative input and stress. This year can be the beginning of kids living their best life into adulthood. We can help decrease bullying, build good character, increase confidence, build self-esteem, motivate kids to say no to negative peer pressure, give hope and decrease depression all while kids enjoy getting fit and healthy. Headlines/Statistics: Alarming increase in childhood obesity, children suffering with Diabetes and diseases usually seen in adults. This is the first generation not expected to live longer than their parents. Obesity being a threat to our national security. It cost the US $150 billion dollars annually on obesity related disorders. 50% of students bullied other kids. Being bullied can have negative lingering effects in adulthood. Everyday 160,000 kids miss school because they are afraid of being bullied. All over the internet hundreds of kids and adults comment about how they suffered from being bullied. A lot of them said it was reported, but nothing was done. Now more laws and policies are passed regarding bullying, but we need to do more to change the culture of bullying, build good character and restore civility. It is imperative to teach kids how to have positive self-talk. We should encourage kids to speak only positive and encouraging words to themselves and never allowing negative input to be apart of their being. don't worry, they will still be able to take constructive criticism. Nevertheless, when other kids call them a bad name or perhaps a parent say something terrible about them they can quickly forgive that person, do not accept it as an offense and replace the negative comment with two positive ones. This can help increase their self-esteem and confidence. We live in a very negative world. More people are extremely critical even about themselves. Some harbor resentment, anger, shame, guilt and unforgiveness all that can decrease ones immune system. We have to encourage kids to have a healthy positive attitude about themselves. A renewed mind will not allow negative, toxic comments or thoughts take root and set up unease in their mind or body. Having toxic thoughts can lead to poor health and depression. It is true, our emotions and thoughts do affect our health. It has been proven there is a mind-body connection. Thoughts constantly enter our minds.

Headlines/Statistics: Alarming increase in childhood obesity, children suffering with Diabetes and diseases usually seen in adults. This is the first generation not expected to live longer than their parents. Obesity being a threat to our national security. It cost the US $150 billion dollars annually on obesity related disorders. 50% of students bullied other kids. Being bullied can have negative lingering effects in adulthood. Everyday 160,000 kids miss school because they are afraid of being bullied. All over the internet hundreds of kids and adults comment about how they suffered from being bullied. A lot of them said it was reported, but nothing was done. Now more laws and policies are passed regarding bullying, but we need to do more to change the culture of bullying, build good character and restore civility.

It is imperative to teach kids how to have positive self-talk. Speaking only positive and encouraging words to themselves and never allowing negative input to be apart of their being. When other kids call them a bad name or perhaps a parent say something terrible about them they can quickly forgive that person, do not accept it as an offense and replace the negative comment with two positive ones. We live in a very negative world. More people are extremely critical even about themselves. Some harbor resentment, anger, shame, guilt and unforgiveness all that can decrease ones immune system. We have to encourage kids to have a healthy positive attitude about themselves. A renewed mind will not allow negative, toxic comments or thoughts take root and set up unease in their mind or body. Having toxic thoughts can lead to poor health and depression. It is true, our emotions and thoughts do affect our health. It has been proven there is a mind-body connection. Thoughts constantly enter our minds.

Psychologists say 40% of happiness is what we do and how we think. In addition happiness can be nurtured and cultivated during childhood.

Having self-control can help one to have more happiness. It is also needed to not act out bad thoughts and habits. Some of what we think is not true and focusing on them can lead to a negative outcome. Kids can become empowered with confidence just by not allowing negative debilitating thoughts to enter their mind. We can provide enrichment by helping kids learn about controlling their thoughts and emotions. Change your thoughts-change your life. Change your focus-change your life. Believe you can succeed. Kids can be motivated to want to succeed and achieve your goals. At the start of the year weight loss is at the top of the list for a lot of people. Parents and educators can help children achieve their goal. It. Our First Lady Michelle Obama has made it her mission to help end childhood obesity.

A family moves thousands of miles away to another state. Their children can have relief and comfort knowing their new school is implementing daily positive input to help instill compassion and more character building attributes giving them some peace of mind.

Whether it is Joyce Meyer speaking about not being pitiful but powerful, Bill Winston teaching about the importance of integrity, Joel Osteen talking about the power of having gratitude, Les Brown encouraging us never give up, Anthony Robbins emphasizing motion creates emotion, or Dr. Byron Hayes inspiring us with his motivational nuggets, kids can have the victory with these winning keys for success in life as they benefit from the teachings and are motivated with words of wisdom that will make a difference.

About the Author

Breezy My passion is to help children live their best life into adulthood. Start the new year with a Nationwide Rock It Across America Challenge. Motivate educators, parents and kids to help promote happy and healthy minds and bodies. http://www.rockingitforlife.com

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