How To Get The Best Baby Advice Possible

by Hal Clarkson

You know if there is one thing that people are really good at it is giving advice. In every field in every walk of life there are people who are quite happy to point out that you are going in the wrong direction and then point you in the right direction.

When it comes to your baby advice it really is quite hard to make your own mind up from all the advice you are given.

So who do you listen to?

Sometimes one of the worst groups of people for giving advice can be parents. Now I know what you are going to say, that they mean well and only have the best intentions at heart. But they can be misguided. I’m sure they sincerely believe that because they are older than you they are expected to have all the answers.

If they don’t come up with the answers then their kids will think that they are stupid. Now my mother (bless her) just happens to be an expert in everything from brain surgery to quantum mechanics including your baby advice and she is always very willing to share her knowledge and advice with you whether you need it or not. I think that as she is getting older she has lost that special place of being needed and she is trying her hardest to find another niche (poor lass). But I do wish parents would begin to understand that they can’t fix everything and they definitely don’t have all the answers. Now that I have got that off my chest I have to say that in a lot of cases what they say does make sense. And I have found that as they get older (in most cases) they start to realize what they are doing and slowly, very slowly they begin to listen (unless you my mum of course). So when looking for your baby advice who should you listen to?

The best way of working to my mind is to take it all into the grey matter. Sift it through carefully. Throw out what is useless and retain what makes sense. Yes remember that word-sense or call it common sense is always paramount.

So think about who you might want to ask about your baby advice. Speak to a trusted friend, a girlfriend that is also a mother and reasonably close to you in years that way her experiences will not be so far away from yours that she can’t remember her experiences properly.

Another good idea is also to include a professional or two like a doctor or a nurse. Both of these would be especially good for your baby advice. You should also remember that every persons experience does not fit everyone else’s. We are all different so like I said earlier take it all in and then sort it all out.

You will also get a wide range of good solid baby advice off the Internet. There are many sites out there (including mine) that will teach you good tips and ideas and just plain old common sense.

So spread a wide net. Haul it all in. Have a good think and whatever you do don’t phone my Mum because you will be on the line a VERY LONG TIME.

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