The Problem Of Obesity In America

by Cindy Heller

Obesity in America is the second leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Approximately 130 million adults in this country are overweight, about 70 million are obese with the Body Mass Index (BMI) > 30. Approximately 62% of female Americans and 67% of male Americans are considered overweight. Today, there are above 25% of American children are also obese or overweight. An estimated of 400,000 Americas deaths per year may be attributable to poor diet and lack of physical activity.

What can we do?

There is no doubt that obesity in America is growing. Take a look at any of the shopping mall and restaurants and you will see many, many overweight and obesity people. Why US have such a big number of obesity problems, when it is not an issue in many of our countries? What can be done to solve this problem?

Can Lifestyle be the cause?

Lifestyle seems to be one of the causes of obesity in American. Take a look at some foreign countries; people there do not drive from place to place unless they need to. I think part of the reason for this is the high price of petrol and motor vehicles. Come back to America, this is not the case here. Americans drive everywhere, especially if there can avoid walking. From the study, it is believed that almost 75% of county residents may enjoy a completely sedentary or inactive lifestyle. When you combine this eating habit with the American lifestyle and you know why obesity in America is on the rise.

Food Driven Society and Activity-Scarce Environment

Many experts are of the opinion that obesity in America is such an epidemic is because we are a food driven society and having an activity-scarce environments. The movement you switch on the television for few minutes and you will be bombarded with advertisements for fast food, restaurants, sugary drinks, and more! There are many fast food stores around the streets. It is easy to get access to too much food, and usually we eat far more than we need and with new technology making us easier to avoid exercising.

The Worksite Environment

Since the average American adult spends at least 40 hours a week at work, it is important to address nutrition and some physical activity in the worksites. Most worksites have responded to the challenge, and by 1999, a total of 95%of national worksites with above 50 employees offered nutrition, weight management classes, or counseling at the worksite or through their health plans. Individual efforts to have more physical activity at the worksite and eat healthy are confounded by the following.

- More people living farther away from workplace, thus spending more time commuting (driving replace walking/biking)

- Worksites are increasingly automated and less movement for the body

- More soft drinks and high calorie foods and snacks at worksites

The Neighborhood Environment

Modern lifestyles contribute greatly to physical inactivity. Cars are used for short trips, and the number of walking trips the average American adult takes each year has decreased 42% between 1975 and 1995. This was also true that for American child, who decreased walking trips by about 37%. Today, only about 10% of school students walk to school as compared to the majority of students one generation ago. It is no easy and challenge for Neighborhood to obtain the recommended amount of physical activity includes the following.

- The design of Neighborhood is not suitable for walking or biking

- More neighborhoods that are seeming as unsafe

- More time spent in automobiles

Treating Obesity in America

The best way to treat obesity in America is through education. The American public needs to be well informing what type of food is best for them and how can it be prepared. Restaurants should come out with smaller portions meal for the health conscious people. People need to study and know what are carbohydrates and saturated fats related to the bodies, so they can choose and the select a correct healthy food to eat. Another way to treat obesity is to have more exercise, like swimming and walking! Walking is a good exercise that anyone can do. If you can do it everyday, its can help you lost weight quickly and easily.

Help from Government

It is certainly calls for strong will to cope with the problem of obesity and Americans now before it turn to worse. This obesity problem is very serious and it is threatening tobacco to become the No. 1 cause of deaths in the America that may possibly have been prevented. The America government known the problem and has adopted some solutions, like the Medicare has opened the door to covering overweight and obesity treatments, while the Internal Revenue Service has also begun to allow tax breaks for some weight-loss programs in America.

About the Author

Cindy Heller is a professional writer. Visit fast food obesity to learn more about deseases caused by obesity and other leading causes of deaths from obesity

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