Is how you define your worth creating financial abundance or financial despair?
Copyright 2005 Melissa Quiter
When someone asks you what you are worth, usually monetary assets spring to mind. You think, well, I have “x” dollars in my savings account and “y” in my checking. I have my 401K and my IRA. You reply with physical statistics that appear to answer the question. So, it makes sense to assume, if you consciously assess your worth based only on monetary measurement, this may also be defining the flow of abundance you are attracting and manifesting in your life.
My intention in this article is to expand your definition of worth to create greater possibilities for attracting and manifesting abundance. I am not implying that monetary and material achievements are not valid and worthy of being counted. They absolutely are. In fact, they are key elements in the definition of abundance and prosperity -- as well as a natural human right. However, it is my contention that many of you, who are not attracting great prosperity and abundance, are missing critical information to calculate your full worth accurately. It is my intention to shine a very bright light on the billions of unaccounted worth each and every human currently has. I believe many of you are completely unaware of the invaluable assets you brought with you on this incredible human journey.
According to the universal Law of Energy and Law of Attraction (both continually finding scientific proof through the increased awareness and study of quantum physics), everything is made of energy. Everything. The thoughts being conjured while reading this article, the computer or paper you are reading these words from and the eyes you are using to do the reading, all, when broken down to their smallest element, are simply varying speeds of vibrating energy. The focus of energy you place on any given thing is that which you attract and manifest in your experience. You nurture and grow that which you focus on, thus creating a physical reality from your non-physical reality. The universe makes no assessment of right or wrong, good or bad. It simply follows your lead and gives you exactly that which you focus on most.
So, when you assess your worth and only include your physically manifested monetary value, you create a reality (albeit subconsciously) that is not truly representative. You create a belief that undervalues who you really are.
Now, return to the universal Law of Attraction. You continually attract that which you think about most and focus on. So, if you are not assessing yourself as a person with great worth, you do not attract more of that into your life. The mind finds comfort and security in consistency and congruency. When you think of your present situation (however you define that consciously), your subconscious says, yes, that is in line with what I believe. When you say something like, I am a millionaire, and you have not physically manifested that yet, your protective gate (which lies between the conscious and the subconscious mind and decides what is allowed in) says, WHOA! That is not in line with what I know so I reject that statement. It makes it very challenging, then, to focus on what you want to attract when you keep getting stuck on what you think already is.
So, you may be asking, “How can I focus on being more abundant, when every time I do, I get sidetracked by how that differs from where I am now, which leads me to focusing on what I don’t have, giving me more of that?”
One extremely effective and simple way is to reframe what you think you know. The truth is that every reality is born first in the non-physical. Reality begins as a thought, becomes a belief and creates a behavior. When you begin creating consistent thoughts around what is possible, you begin shifting how your protective gate and subconscious mind assess what is truth. You begin affecting what you believe and thus you allow yourself to accept, rather than reject, thoughts that may not yet be physically manifested.
This is why it is so imperative to truly understand your full human worth. When you finally grasp that you are a millionaire already (be that in the non-physical), you allow yourself to attract and manifest that in the physical through new opportunities or windfalls of money!
If you have ever made the following statement or heard this statement and immediately agreed, you will have proven this theory. The statement is: The rich get richer and the poor get poorer.
This statement is absolutely true. And, the reason it is true is based on a belief system that manifests it to be true. People, who are wealthy, attract more wealth. They believe they are wealthy and that is why it is easy to attract more of what they believe. People, who are poor or struggling, tend to focus on that reality. Thus, they attract more of that reality to them. Now, either one of these two groups may or may not focus on their total worth. It is not important to do so in order to manifest abundance. What is required is an unwavering belief that you are worth exactly that which you wish to attract. What I want to show you in this article is a way, for even those who have not yet manifested physical wealth, to connect with your true worth in order to shift what is flowing to you. Knowing and believing in your overall wealth allows you to bypass the fact that you have not yet physically manifested wealth, so you can attract and pull abundance and prosperity to you with ease right now.
So, how you redefine your total worth is the next key to shifting the flow. And, this is as simple as it is profound.
All humans, you included, came to this earth-plane to live an amazing experience. You chose to be here now. You came here for one primary reason and one specific purpose. The reason you came here is for love and joy. Love and joy are at the heart and source of all that is. The purpose for which you came is to share the contribution that only you possess for the evolution of the world.
Knowing you had a great journey in front of you, you came to this experience with all the tools you would require to achieve your purpose, provide your contribution and leave the world more evolved than before you came.
The first, and most obvious tool you brought, is your mind. Your mind is not simply a brain, a physical organ, placed in the cavity you call the skull. Your mind is an intricately designed machine – computer if you will -- that is so complicated, not even those who have studied it for centuries know everything it is capable of doing. Your mind consists of a conscious and subconscious. At the very least, keeping you alive every day! Your mind has more power than any computer possible of being built. By simply assessing your mind and placing a monetary value on it, you are already in the billions of dollars of worth. There is no possible way of assessing this amazing tool as less. So, assuming you cannot disagree with the fact that you have a mind, your total worth, at a minimum, is as much as Donald Trump or Oprah Winfrey – two of the wealthiest people in the world.
When thinking of your worth, you must include this value. When you say you are a millionaire, the key is to focus on your total value, which keeps your mind in agreement. That which you believe is what you tend to focus on, which is what you attract more of to you.
Begin creating and attracting based on the whole truth and not just the truth that you can physically see and notice how your life changes and your prosperity flows.
About the Author
Melissa Jean Quiter is an inspirational life and business strategist with Provocative Communications. She is the author the book, “My cat made me a millionaire… (and how yours can too!) and the four-phase, life and business-changing program, “Being Spiritual doesn’t mean being poor: how to remove what blocks you from making money & creating happiness!” To learn more, visit: or send an email to:
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