Get Control of Your Acne

by Sarah Rhodes

Some cosmetics irritate the skin and can cause acne by plugging up your pores on your face. The cosmetics chemicals that can cause you the most skin and pore irritation and inflammation are: mineral oil, lanolin, parabens, propylene, and glycol Look at the label of the cosmetics you use. You will find that many cosmetics, soaps, and sunscreens contain these chemicals. Find a water base make up, not an oil base. Find one that does not irritate your face and use it sparingly.

Acne is a severe skin disease that affects millions of people. It can lead to depression, leave you with a low self-esteem, and keep you from doing things you want to do. If you currently have acne, it's not the end of the world. You need to sit down and think what you are going to do to fight. You need to take one day at a time and not get upset when you're not seeing the results you want right away. You also shouldn't pick at them either because picking at them can make the clearing process take longer and can even leave scars when you're older.

The acne can also be treated externally by using erythromycin or benzoyl peroxide. While this reduces the bacteria causing the problem, it is really treating the symptoms rather than the cause. That is, the oil secretion and abnormal cell behaviour that blocks the follicle in the first place. So unfortunately, the acne will usually reappear within some weeks of the treatment being stopped.

There are a few choices available to treat moderate acne scarring. The most popular are dermabrasion and laser resurfacing. Dermabrasion is a scar treatment in which a diamond plated wheel is used to “sand” your face. This technique has been around for a long time and sandpaper was once used instead of the new machines that utilize the diamond plated tool. Generally, this procedure takes around an hour to perform. You should expect some scabbing and redness for a few weeks. This method is most effective for individual with very pale or very dark complexions.

There is a new form of EPA and DHA that is available in a product called Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) Neptune Krill Oil (NKO) NKO is the new EPA and DHA product, which maybe better to use than Borage Oil. NKO has the omega-3, EPA and DHA in the phospholipid form, which is easier for your cells to absorb compared with Borage oil. Borage oil contains the omega-3, EPA, and DHA in triglyceride form, which is more difficult for cells to absorb. One other good property of NKO is that is does not have to be refrigerated like Borage. It can be kept in a cool place in your cabinets. However, it does cost more than Borage oil.

Lasers work by using various "soft pulsing light" wavelengths and intensities to help "reshape" scar tissue, making raised scars go down, and reducing the redness of the skin around healed acne postules. Home acne lasers actually emit a low, constant frequency of red light which helps to stimulate collagen, making scarring less visible, and helping to stimulate the healing of existing acne, and speed the whole recovery process.

About the Author

Sarah Rhodes suffered from severe acne for many years before finally discovering a cure that works. Read about Sarah and the secret that permanently cured her acne at:

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