Short-Term Payday Loans Rise As Winter Temps Drop

by Laura J Solomon

Fall has made itself apparent and winter is not far behind. Many are already thinking about the cost of running a home when temperatures drop. Will it take short-term payday loans just to pay our monthly electricity bill? Planning ahead and taking the necessary steps to lower energy usage can help keep bills low and and the utility provider at bay.

Have you ever heard of the term "vampire electronics"? These are those appliance in your house that you use everyday. They are energy-draining culprits that can cause your monthly utility bills to be higher than necessary. TVs, computers, Mp3 docking stations, and coffee makers and more are responsible for more than 100 billion kilowatts hours of energy usage in the country. That amount's to about $10 billion dollars worth of energy every year. Short-term payday loans lenders around America have experienced an influx of borrower's during the summer and winter months who are overwhelmed by their higher than average electricity bills.

If you don't want to be in a position where you have to borrow just to heat your home, be wise about your energy usage. Ultimately, unplugging your electronics and when you are not using them is the best way to save money. But for many of us that may see a hassle. Instead, consider using a power switch that can be used for multiple cords while plugging into one wall outlet. All you have to do is flip the button on the power strip. Smart power strips are great for big-ticket energy-suckers like TV's and computers. These switches automatically sense when the appliance has gone into stand-by mode and will shut down the power strip. Note: You can save by putting your computer into "Hibernate or Sleep Mode" when you are not using it.

Using timers on your electronics and appliances is also a great way to manage electricity usage for things like space heaters, Christmas tree lights, and other items that you may accidentally leave on when you leave the house. If you are not sure how what is using the most energy, consider buying a usage monitor that will tell you exactly which electronics and appliances are you the biggest culprits of winter energy usage.

You can also save quite a bit of cash on your energy bills by being mindful as to what time of day you use certain appliances. Utility companies charge more for electricity during "peak hours" which are considered 6 to 10 a.m. and 3 to 9 p.m. Doing your laundry and running the dishwasher are the cheapest on the weekends and during off-peak hours.

The last thing to consider when wanting lower your energy bills is investing in energy-friendly appliances and gadgets. You may qualify for receiving a rebate when you purchase these efficiency focused items. Something as small as LED or compact fluorescent bulbs can save you money while helping you score savings with your electric company. If you are considering buying an energy-efficient appliance or gadget for your home, check out the Department of Energy for tips about the latest buys! If you find yourself heated this winter by the high cost of your energy bill and need a little extra help, a payday loan provider can help. Sometimes a little extra help with short-term finances can get you a long way.

About the Author

Approved Money Center offers fast payday loans when you need quick cash. Visit for more information on how to obtain a short-term online payday loan.

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