Flirting with your Cell Phone
Since its inception in the UK in 1992, the short message service (SMS) phenomenon has literally revolutionized communication. It’s cheap, convenient and accessible to anyone with a cellular phone. Gone are the days of expensive phone calls or unreliable emails. Just punch a few buttons and your message is instantly delivered. The traditional limits of distance, time and price are almost eliminated.
The Global System for Mobile (GSM) Communications Association recently announced that around nine billion SMSs are sent over the world’s GSM wireless networks every month. That’s a lot of chit-chat. But special days, like Valentine’s Day, and holidays, tend to generate significantly more traffic.
SMS also provides ‘romantic technophiles’ with a modem way to express emotions. So for those still battling to come to terms with the concept, don’t panic. Follow the tips below and you’ll soon transform from a virginal techno-nobody into an SMS femme fatale.
Back to Basics
Your standard SMS is 160 characters long and is typed in the ‘Write Message’ function on your cell phone. You may have to set up your phone for it first. Press ‘Send’ and your message travels worldwide via GSM wireless networks to the recipient’s cell phone. It’s cheap compared to landline phones, faxes and emails.
Pluck up the Courage
You can only enjoy an SMS fling by plunging in headfirst. And since text space is limited, you basically have to be forward. You’ll be surprised at the delight a flirtatious SMS can elicit.
Learn the Lingo
You may be tempted to pack in as many acronyms as possible, but don’t go overboard. ‘R U up 4 2nite? BTW, IWTKYSBAL…TTY l8ter.’ (Phew, the literal translation goes something like this; ‘Are you up for tonight? By the way, I want to kiss your sexy body all over…Talk to you later.’) Messages like this may be cute in theory, but in reality the recipient may well think you’ve turned into a bunny-boiler.
Anonymous Allure
Now this is more like it. Anonymous SMS is perfect if you want to flirt without disclosing your identity or send that yummy man that excites you a Valentine’s Day message.
Press ‘Send’ with Caution
Although your man might be delighted at the promise of a night of passion, your mother in law might not. To avoid situations that are tricky to explain later, always double check the number before you hit the ‘send’ button.
Timing Taboos
Avoid all temptation to succumb to alcohol induced SMSing. Skinny dipping in the moonlight might sound like fun to you after numerous drinks, but, since its past midnight on a Tuesday, your man might not agree. Go home and sleep it off – you’ll be glad in the morning.
Play it Cool
Delay your replies. It’s the most important rule of the game, and works like a charm.
Reel ‘em In
Now, see how your world has expanded. So make the most of it. Flirt to your heart’s content, rekindle the fizz, organize your social life, or make your mom smile. We’re part of the communication revolution, where the focus is on better… faster… more. Enjoy the ride.
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